Collided- Chapter Fourteen

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Published: Tuesday, October 15th 2019 2:23 am

          After eating breakfast I marched up the stairs and to my sisters room, ready to start the day.

          "How long?" I stopped just before entering the door as I heard Mina's small voice. Even from outside of the room I could tell that they must have been begging her to stay. I was a step away from doing that myself until I realized that she never does get a break. Ever since her husband has been gone, she only works and takes care of the kids. Both tasks are hard, so her leaving for a few days wouldn't leave us in peril.

         "Just a few days." My sister replied softly. "A week at best."

          "Can I go with you?" Amina asked. "Please." There was a long pause and I could only guess what my sister was doing to calm her. She would hold her close and kiss her head while whispering about how much she loved her. I know because that what our mother did for us and what Tehreem did for me when I was younger. One thing they would know is how much they are loved.

           "Just a few days and I'll be with you again, my baby." She said and Mina began to laugh.

           "I'm not a baby anymore!" She declared, and even I got sad at how much she had grown since she was born. Time passes by fast when you're not paying attention.

            "You'll always be my baby." Tehreem said to her. "Even when you're thirty. Now let's hurry and finish this." At the sounds of zippers going and hangers hitting against each other filled my ears again, I made myself known and entered the room. Tehreem's eyes squinted at me. "I was wondering where you were!"

               I folded my arms as I stood in the doorway. "Need help?"

                "Do we?" Tehreem asked Mina and she shook her head, her hair flying around her face. "No I think we have it almost done. Is the car cleaned out?"

                 "I don't know, I just finished breakfast."

                "Then go make sure it is, and if it isn't, have Zack do it. Mina grab that scarf. Thank you."

                "Are you leaving after the vigil?"

           "That's the plan." She grunted as she lifted her suitcase up off of the floor and then frowned at me. "Not you too! No more than a week I promise."

            "Seven days." Mina sat on the bed with her arms folded and her bottom lip poked out sadly. "I'll be counting."

          Tehreem rolled her eyes. "I know you will be." She ruffled her hair. Her teeth grit in pain as she stood up straight and held her back for comfort but there was none. But this time I stayed quiet instead of calling her out on it. Any time I had said anything to my sister about her pain she would get annoyed and shut me down. After the hundredth time I decided to listen. So instead of questioning her about her very apparent pain, I went to check the car.


          We had made it just in time. While the yard was full and many people were standing around, they had yet to start the ceremony from what I could tell. My sister had gone off somewhere with the girls and Zak had found one of his friends, which left me to find a place of my own to watch. But what I hadn't realized upon coming to stand in the middle row so that I could get a better view of the podium, was that I would come upon a familiar face. Alia stood there, her hair blowing in the wind while she held two candles. She had her phone in hand and was texting furiously with a scowl on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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