Collided- Chapter Eleven

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Published: Thursday, February 7th 2019 4:38

Collided- Chapter Eleven

Jamila's POV

        Slowly but surely, the breath returned to my lungs as the gunman pulled the woman back inside of the building instead of shooting her. I don't know what I would have done if I would have seen that happen live. It was one thing to see a murder happen on tv; they're actors and you know they'll survive the next scene, even if their character doesn't. But to see it happen... I couldn't even describe how hectic and distraught anyone who was watching would be.

        I hadn't been able to pry my eyes away from the screen since he had shown himself. Despite the warm weather, he wore a black, baggy hoodie. The hood of the jacket was tightly secured on his head, and his dark sunglasses blocked the suns rays from his eyes. Other than the fact that his skin was very noticeably light, he appeared to be white.

        "That was close." Inayah breathed the words I had thought. I couldn't bring myself to utter a word after what had just taken place. "You still there?"

        I grunted as my response. For some reason my lips refused to move and words didn't want to make an appearance. I had never witnessed something like that before. Sure you see movies and you are sometimes calm through the scene, but that's one of the things you expect from movies. Never in your life would you have thought that you would witness an attempted murder. Whether or not he was going to pull the trigger–I wasn't ready.

"That was so intense!" She continued to exclaim, but I was a million miles away from hearing her. I could hear her words, but I wasn't exactly listening to her. I could only hear and feel the millions of thoughts running through my own head. "I mean he almost shot her–shot her! What if he did? Do you think they would have killed him live? I mean, they would have to. He would be a murderer then, not just a hostage holder. And maybe–"

"Inayah!" I had stopped her before she went any further. I was starting to get a headache from all of her chatter, and the noise inside my own head. Scrunching my eyes closed, I sighed deeply. "Why don't we talk about this tomorrow. I'm tired and have to clean up before Tehreem gets back."

        "Oh, okay." I would be lying if I said I didn't hear the frown in her voice, but in that moment I didn't care. The only thing on my mind was getting off the phone. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then..."

          "Yeah..."I nodded, only partially aware that she couldn't hear me. It was one of those things that become normal to do, even if we don't notice ourselves. "Assalamu Alaikum."

         "Wa Alaikum Salaam."

March 9th 2018

          The next day, it felt like any other day for me. Only today was different for a lot of other people. It was the day after yet another horrible situation had occurred. It left the nation and quite possibly the world heartbroken. Every one was still disappointed that this has become our lives, but not surprised.

          The sad fact is that this is just yet another day in the horrible world we live in. We're not moving forward or even backwards. We're all standing still.

          "Why can't we have a hot breakfast?" Mina whined from her place at the table. This was the first time I knew of that she had actually stopped glaring at her breakfast long enough to pout about it.

          "Because it's been a long night and we're out of hot breakfast foods." I scooped up a spoonful of my cereal and shrugged. "You have to take what you can get."

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