Collided- Chapter Four

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Published: Saturday, July 8th 2017 10:51 pm

Collided- Chapter Four

As soon as I heard the doorbell and opened the door to reveal Inayah, I tried my best to stifle the laughter that threatened to come out. There, standing right in front of me glad in a green and blue basketball jersey, matching scarf, face paint, and a very big grin stood the dork that is my friend. I can't say I wasn't expecting this but it still came as a surprise. Time and time again she has stated how much of a fan she is of basketball and would do whatever she could to get to one of the games to support the team.

She convinced me to go, which is evidence enough.

"Ready?" She chirped, looking my outfit of choice up and down and shaking her head in dissapointment. She was probably expecting me to at least wear the team colors or some sort of face paint, but even she has to know how much of a long shot that is. It's me we're talking about. "I guess what you're wearing has to do. There isn't enough time for you to change."

I placed a hand over my heart. "Thank you for approving my clothes," I rolled my eyes and Inayah just shrugged.

"That's what I'm here for."

With a shake of my own head I gave salaams to no one is particular and pulled my purse over my shoulder to free up space in my hands, leaving only a water I had grabbed and my phone.

"Is he like our personal driver?" I asked once I spotted Ismail yet again sat in the drivers seat waiting for us. Once he saw us making our way to the car, he got out and leaned back on the car, making it very visible that he was on another intense phone call. "That call looks serious."

"He's just talking to our uncle again," She whispered to me with a sigh, and my mouth fell agape at the realization. Inayah had told me a while ago that their Uncle lived in another community across the country and was on a mission from their parents to get Ismail married before he becomes 'too old' or can't find someone 'suitable' if he waits too long. The irony of that logic is that he and Inayah are the same age yet they're waiting for her to finish school and manage a career. Much like my family, they believe a woman should stand on her own two feet and shouldn't have to rely on anyone, even in marriage.

"He's against it?" I asked, yet I alaready knew the answer. While Ismail and I have never been close or had a relationship beyond when we would give salaams when seeing each other, I spent enough times at Inayah's house and have gotten to know her, Ismail, and the rest of their family pretty well. More often than not Inayah has teased her brother about giving her a sister and their mother had teased him about grandchildren and another daughter. But every time they did so his response would be the same.

'I'm not ready for that type of commitment, but you never know. Maybe someone down the road may change my perspective'

It wasn't even that Ismail is a bad looking guy, he's actually quite handsome. He and Inayah are no more than fraternal twins and have similarities, but as far as resembling each other to a 't,' they don't.

"He's always against it," Inayah grumbled and folded her arms over her chest. Once we reached the car we both climbed in and Inayah closed the windows and put the air on so we could talk. She turned around in her seat in the front and placed her chin atop the seat. "I don't think I want him to get married though. I feel like it would be too weird and I will lose my brother to someone who isn't as worthy to his time as I am!"

I laughed. "I felt the same way with my brother, Jafar," I said, remembering when Jafar and Ayah had gotten engaged and I realized I was losing my brother. "The only difference is that my sister in law and her family are very close to my family and have been since before I was even born! We were just joining two families even more than they were already joined."

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