40- Laundry Prison

Start from the beginning

"They are calm! Fuck off Charlie" Cora taunts her older brother

"Cora your tits are never calm" Summer chimes

"Nope" I agree with her

"I hate all of you!" Cora calls behind her as she exits my room. We all laughs at her expense before following her out.

"YAY! MY OTHER BEST FRIEND" We all head Cora yell from the kitchen

"Hi Cora" Caleb sigh as he puts her down from his hold. The two of them became quick friends when were were young solely because of their names both starting with the letter 'C'.

"Wow you're up early" Summer teases while giving him a hug

"I know, it sucks" he laughs before moving onto Charlie and then Joey doing the guy hug thing "but Princess promised me my own pan of pumpkin squares and I want a good breakfast"

"Oh fine" I huff before walking to the garage where all the desserts were set to grab his small pan of pumpkin goodness

"Here you go Kazer" I grin as his eyes go wide at the pan. He really fuckin loved these things.

"I love you" He says seriously, not taking his eyes of the pan

"I know, I'm pretty fuckin awesome" I grin

"Family! I'm home!" Em calls from the front door "and I brought stuff!"

Everyone greets her in the front room.

"Hey where's Arrex?" She questions

"Upstairs still sleeping, Why?" Summer asks

"I'll be right back" she grins before running upstairs

"Wh-" I start to say before Co just loops his arm around my shoulder and grins

"OW EM!! GOD I HATE YOU!" Arrex yells, followed by the rumble of footsteps following

"CLEAR THE WAY!" Em squeals as she tumbled down the stairs to flee my brother. She isn't fast enough though and Arrex catches her. She's quickly scooped up in his arms and is brought out to our backyard. With one last laugh,Em's thrown into our pool.

"ARREX THIS SHITS FREEZING!" She growls before climbing out if the pool

"Here I got you a towel though" he smiles sweetly at her. She just rolls her eyes as a small grin takes over her face before taking it from him.

"Okay so it's ten now, we have to go get ready and we'll be down in a bit" Summer says before dragging me away from Caleb's arm, the other two follow behind

"Okay I don't know what to wear, Em did you bring an outfit? Cause I don't have many nice clothes" I huff already knowing she probably brought me a skirt

"Yep! Here I got the beige sweater, and for you, this denim skirt with my black thigh high boots" she smiles proudly as she pulls everything out of her bag

"Oh god are those your hooker boots? I can somewhat walk in heels but not ones that high dude" they were literally like eight inch thigh highs.

"First off no, I brought the my three inch ones for you, and second, the other ones are literally only five inches!" She whines "besides I brought those ones for myself"

"Oh thank god" I huff before taking the clothes from her. I grab my bra and underwear before going out into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I quickly get dressed afterwards and re-enter my room. None of them were dressed and were all still messing around

"Okay I'm ready" I tell them. I actually didn't mind this outfit, plus this sweater was really soft so I wasn't complaining.

"That looks cute!" Em sits up from her position in my floor with a lazy grin "Do you like it?"

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