Sports Festival: Conclusion

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Cameras flashed like rapid fire as the audience underwent a variety of reactions to the conclusion of Izumi and Shoto's fight. On top of the fact Izumi lost even though she seemed to have the upper hand for the bulk of it, Todoroki had added on another shock factor by kissing her in front of the entire stadium audience, as well as those watching the events on TV.

"Hey hey hey what the hell is this, Todoroki wins and collects his prize already! How Bold!" Present Mic shouted as he did a crazy dance in the booth trying to get out the wave of shock and excitement the fight and the kiss left him with. Beside him Aizawa remained stoic and observant

All Might choked on blood as his face went dead white at the sight of the kiss. The other teachers were all awed and flustered by the display, while Endeavor didn't know how to react at all. He stood at the front of the audience, his eyes unable to look away from his son and the girl he held protectively to him.

Izumi Midoriya... All Might's daughter... and his son Shoto?

At first the thought enraged him, for one of his own to be associated with that man's protege' was unthinkable... but then he thought about it... about the power she had displayed in the fight. His son... and All Might's daughter... his lips slowly curved sinisterly. The legacies of the world's top two heroes joined together... that union could have great merit.

"I'm Gonna KILL HIM!" Bakugo struggled against his classmates who had toppled around him to keep him from jumping over the rail. "Let go of me!"

"Calm down Bakugo!" Kirishima struggled to pull Bakugo back and up the stairs, and took an explosion to the face for his trouble. "Kaminari, shock him will yah?!"

"I'm trying but he won't stay still." Kaminari reached out with his hand grunting as Bakugo's elbow smacked him in the face as his lightning discharged up and caught Mineta instead. Uraraka smacked Bakugo on the forehead and his body floated up.

"Oi! Hey! Put me down! Damn it, round face I said..." He continued to rave as Kirishima kept a firm hold to keep him from floating completely away.

"Thanks Uraraka, I'll take him downstairs to keep him calm. Why don't you guys go check on Izumi, she looked pretty beat up. I don't think Bakugo should see her when he's this worked up."

"Good idea, come on Iida." Uraraka led the way as her and several other classmates hurried off.

Todoroki let the medical bots carry Izumi off. She'd passed out right after the kiss, and was left with his thoughts. It didn't take him long to decide to ignore protocol and hurry after them. He had injuries of his own that needed tending, but the true fact he was worried about Izumi and didn't want to leave her side.

Halfway down the hall he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see his father standing over him. "What do you want?"

"You need better control, you were just releasing the fire all at once. That can be dangerous, but you've finally abandoned your childish tantrum and become the perfect upgrade of me. Once you graduate from here come work with me and I'll lead you down the path to the mighty."

"There's no way I can abandon anything..." Todoroki put it bluntly shaking off his father's hand then looked at his own on the left. "Something like that can't be so easily reversed. It's just... at the time," He thought of Midoriya's words, her challenging smile. "I'd completely forgotten about you."

"That girl?" Endeavor asked folding his arms. When Todoroki nodded he let out a grunt. "She's a strong opponent, and it's clear she respects you otherwise she wouldn't have fought you the way that she did. It's a good match."

"Huh?" Todoroki looked up narrowing his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I'm saying if you want to pursue a relationship with that girl, I have no qualms about it." He turned around to walk away. "As for your future... I'll leave you to think it over."

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