Shoto's Interest

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Izumi panted a little as she ran through the halls. She'd managed to lose Bakugo in the labyrinth of concrete and hoped Uraraka had made it to the next floor. She needed to keep him distracted. If both of them stayed to fight they were more likely to lose time. If she had gone with Uraraka, Bakugo would just follow them taking away any advantage they'd have in a surprise attack against Iida.

This situation would do. She needed to find the right openings to capture Bakugo. She'd doubted she could overpower him for long, but if she could just find an opening she knew she could beat him. Hand to hand was dangerous but necessary. She'd upped her skill in hand to hand but he had the experience, and his quirk didn't allow her to get too close without being burned.

She yanked off her torn mask so her hair spilled out then used the material to tie it back and away from her face. She looked at the capture tape in her hand and took a deep breath.

It's okay... it's okay, just stay calm and-

"You're playing a dangerous game, Usagi." Bakugo's deep threatening voice suddenly caught her off guard and she jumped up and whirled around. With tape in hand she prepared to defend herself.

"It's no game! This is serious to me!" She watched as his gauntlets flashed red. Something about his costume sent her instincts on high alert.

"Maybe, but the reality is you have no idea what you're getting yourself into. A scared little rabbit is all you've ever been you can't just change who you are."

Izumi grit her teeth and shifted her stance.

"No but I can change your perspective of me!" She shifted her stance as he seethed at her. "I'm not afraid of you."

"Liar! Why do you keep lying to me?!"

"What?" His outburst surprised her. He was shaking from the anger but what surprised her most was the look of betrayal in his eyes.

"You're lying. You're afraid, but you won't admit you're afraid. You think I can't tell when you're scared, and putting on a brave face? How long do you think I've been watching YOU?!" He threw her words back at her. Izumi stared at him her guard lowering.


"If you're not afraid then come at me! Use your quirk!" He motioned her forward with his hands, and saw the fear she'd held back.  Her free hand gripped the wrist of her punching arm as if not sure whether to use it or not. "What's the matter? Why won't you use it? I'm the villain remember?!" He raised up his gauntlet cocking it open. He wasn't gonna use this on her, had told himself not to go that far, but she wasn't listening. "Use it now!"

"No! Young Bakugo!" All Might's panic filled voice rang out on the loudspeaker. He'd gone over everyone's quirks, assessments, and costume arrangements himself, and knew exactly what those gauntlets were used for. "You'll kill her!"

"Only if I hit her!" He shouted back and let loose the explosion. The building rocked and Izumi screamed even as she brought her arms up to defend and kick away from the blast. The force of it still knocked her backwards and into the wide room that now had a large opening blown out the side. The material on the left side of her costume was torn at the arm and thigh. She had scrapes, a few burns and bruises, but no real damage. He had deliberately missed on purpose, but still managed to shake her up.

"Mnnng is that even allowed?" She slowly sat up, eyes widening as he pointed his fist in her direction. "Kacchan?"

"Give up, right now Usagi." He lifted up his own capture tape. "Let me put this on you, and I won't have to hurt you more."

"No!" She shook as she got to her feet. "I won't lose that way. You have to beat me first!"

"You've already been beaten!" He cursed as Iida talked into his ear piece. "Shut it! I'm busy!"

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