Elections and Rescue alterations

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Bakugo paced up and down the hall in front of Izumi’s apartment. He’d been cooling his heels there for almost a half hour waiting for her to come out. He looked at his watch, paced, looked down at it again and cursed heavily. He’d nearly convinced himself not to come, had debated with himself why he’d even want to walk to school with her, why he’d gotten up an hour early to fuss some with his appearance, loosening his tie and collar and smoothing some of the hairs that normally tangled and spiked. Why he’d damn nearly bought her stupid flowers as a sort of apology gift for roughing her up in class the previous day... and all the answers came down to one simple truth.  He wanted to be with her.

It pissed him off, the fact that she had this sort of hold on him. He’d gotten along just fine before hadn’t he? Then again, before he’d never had this deep sinking feeling in his gut that she was pulling away from him. Those words his friend and classmate had spoken to him were like dark whispered echoes in his brain.

“One of these days that cute rabbit of yours is gonna go off and find a different owner.”

“Kuso!” He whirled around and rang the doorbell. He waited a moment… then two… and rang again… and again… and again over and over, his temple throbbing with growing annoyance.  “BAKA USAGI! OPEN UP!” He kicked the door.

“Katsuki-Kun?” Mrs. Midoriya stepped up with bags in her arms. Bakugo jumped and prickled like a cornered cat up against the door. “Wow, it’s been a long time. Were you looking for Izumi?”

No, Bakugo thought bitterly as he grindel his teeth behind his lips, I just thought I’d stalk outside your door for no reason.

“Tell her to wake up, or we’re both gonna be late.” He said bitterly.  

Used to his woundly tight persona, Mrs. Midoriya smiled and searched for her key.

“Oh, Izumi’s up, she’s actually already left for school. She wanted to get an early start today. Would you like some tea before you go?”

“Wha- mnng No… no… I’m gonna be late.” He stomped off, then once Mrs. Midoriya was inside sprinted off in hot pursuit. Stupid rabbit! She was already getting ahead of him!

~Front Gate~

Izumi’s lips twitched in disbelief at the huge crowd in front of U.A. Reporters lined every gate and opening that lead inside the campus and even as she tried to quietly slip through she was immediately bombarded by the press about All Might.

“You, how are All Might’s classes? What’s he like as a teacher? How has his presence here affected U.A as a school?”

“Um… uh… excuse me I have to… that is I need to go to the nurse’s office…. Um Ura-chan!” She looked to her friend who was just approaching and they all started asking her the same questions.

“Um… He’s uh, very muscular… I guess…  Iida?” She looked up at Iida who straightened his glasses and proceeded to give them a long winded and very precise description of his perception of All Might as a teacher. Both Izumi and Uraraka sighed heavily and went blue in the face.

“Come on, Midori-chan, let’s try and get to class while we’re still young.” The girls start to turn away. The sound of ricocheting explosions caught Izumi’s attention and she looked around for the source.

“Uuuuussaaaaaagiiiiiii!!!!!”  Bakugo leapt over the large crowd of reporters with one large blast from his hands.  Izumi went blue in the face as his descent was headed straight for her and she scrambled to get out the way. She squealed when he landed and broke the concrete underfoot in the process. She hid behind Uraraka who took two large steps back her eyebrow twitching.

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