Run or Fight

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The large testing room was big enough to hold at least a thousand people, and Izumi knew that this was only one of three. If she had to guess just how many were actually participating she estimated five thousand kids were taking the entrance exam. Present Mic stood at the podium giving his introduction, and Izumi had to hold in her squeals of joy at seeing him for the first time in person.

"I can't believe it's him. I listen to his radio show every day, he's so amazing."

"Shut it, Usagi. I can't hear what he's saying." Bakugo grumbled and had her tensing up and biting her lip to keep herself from talking. As Present mic started to go over the packet she pulled out a pencil and made notes, all the while murmuring possible strategies in her head. Her eyes narrowed as she saw that four robots were listed under potential threats... but Present Mic only spoke of three. As if hearing her thoughts someone stood up quickly.

"Excuse me! May I ask a question?"

"Okay, go for it!" Mic said with a thumbs up.

"You speak of only three robots, but on the print out sheet there are four listed. If this is a misprint-"

Izumi blinked in surprise at how long winded this guy was.

"Wow... he's really serious."

"As for you!" The boy in question turned and directly faced her. She tensed up and pointed to herself.

"Huh? Me?"

"You've been muttering this entire time. It's distracting. If you're here for a pleasure trip I suggest you leave now!"

Embarrassment flushed on her face and she clamped hands over her mouth whimpering.

"I'm so sorry!"

"Alright! Alright, calm down entry number 7111, thank you for that marvelous speech. As for your question, the fourth robot is worth zero points. It's a machine that will go crazy in tight places. It's not unbeatable but there's no real purpose of defeating it either. My suggestion is to run away when you see it."

So it was a decoy... something to distract or inhibit us from collecting more points as the test goes on. Still she wondered what the difference between this machine and the others would be. They made it seem like most of the bots in question would be easy prey, particularly for those who had combat ready quirks.

She looked down at her registration card and then at Bakugo's. Though their numbers were consecutive they both ended up in separate battle grounds. Relief swamped her, as much as she would have liked to watch Bakugo in real action, it was probably better that she wouldn't get distracted from the task at hand.

Bakugo on the other hand wasn't sure if he was relieved or irritated that they weren't in the same field. He wanted to know just what the hell she'd planned to do during the entire practical exam without a quirk. He worried she was gonna get herself killed trying to outsmart the stupid machines, but at the same time if he had been stuck in the same playing level as her he more than likely would have been stuck baby sitting her the entire time which would have affected his score.

"Don't die." Was all he said as the briefing stopped and all the students spread out to be taken to the battle grounds. She blinked in surprise at his words but smiled.

"Good Luck, Kacchan."

~At the Gate~

The students were all allowed to use the locker rooms to change into their athletic clothes. Izumi slipped on a white t shirt over her green and white striped track suit pants. She debated on whether or not to wear the jacket and decided against it thinking maneuverability would be the best course. Staring at herself in the mirror she brushed out her thick hair and tied it up in a ponytail. It didn't do much to control the mass of hair, but at least it was out of her face.

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