Sports Festival: Dark Horse

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Todoroki botched it. He knew he had. He spent the whole stupid trip to school with his overbearing dad talking about her potential and he got caught up in his rivalry with Bakugo. The jerk reminded him too much of his old man and he suppose he took out a big portion of his annoyance from the car ride out on Bakugo. He needed to calm himself. Deep long breaths to soothe away the irritation. His eyes found Izumi, huddled with Uraraka and Iida. All the students crowded at the gate and he always seemed to be able to find her out of the pack.

His fist clenched at his side. Then slowly he relaxed them again. He didn't come here to make declarations, he decided. In all the drama earlier he'd lost sight of his true goal. Win... that's what mattered. Show his stinking old man he didn't need his left side to be the best. He could win and beat all of his competition without it. Fire... the power passed onto him by his father, the tool that he had been forced to hone, and train along with his body since he'd barely been five.

You will surpass me, you are my legacy.

Like hell!

Izumi glanced up finding Todoroki in the crowd. Their eyes met only briefly and for some reason she could see deep anger and a hidden sadness. Something twisted inside her, and she wondered what was paining him. Was he that upset over what she had said earlier? Or was something else bothering him?

Nevertheless she couldn't afford to think about it. The first event was beginning and it was clear the mass population of students wanted to shut Class 1A out. Bakugo's declaration, and their media attention was giving them a big red Bullseye. This... Midoriya thought with a grimace... wasn't gonna be pretty.

"Let the race... BEGIN!"

The lights above the tunnel turned green and the doors opened. The race began with the students running and crowding into the dark hallway, pushing and shoving their way through. It was the alarm incident all over again, and Izumi found herself being shoved, elbowed and kicked as she tried to worm her way through the crowds of bodies. So, she thought, this was the first obstacle... the shifting of bodies. Those that broke free early would be the top runners and get a good head start on the crowd. She didn't want to rely heavily on her quirk, but it was too good an opportunity to miss. She let the power come, her body pulsing with it. She jumped, the force of it knocking people away and into each other. She rose above the crowd, and had angled her body to brace on the wall and bounce from one side to the other. She bypassed the bulk of the group, and just as she reached the entrance, could see the light of the outside... she felt the cold.

A burst of icy force propelled her forward, knocking her off balance and she landed on the ground skidding across the ice Todoroki had made.

"Sorry," he called over his shoulder to her. "I'm not catching you this time!"

"Owowowow! Damn it!" She got to her feet slipping and stumbling as her classmates bypassed her one by one. So much for an early lead, she thought, and slowly tried to work her way forward. She skated, and stumbled, slowly getting the hang of it. She nearly knocked into one of Mineta's sticky purple balls as he tossed them down and bounced off them like a frog on a lily pad. Must have gotten the move from Tsuyu.

"Little sneak..." she had to laugh and awe at his cleverness. She was catching up, her feet hitting dirt as Todoroki gave up the ice to increase his sprint. Mineta was hot on his tail, sailing over him and ready to unleash an attack.

"Now for my special attack. Graaaaape rAHHHHHHH!" He was belted across the face, Izumi gasped and shot power through her legs to jump in the air and catch him before he landed head first into the pavement. She skidded to a stop lifting his head.

"Mineta-kun, You alright?!"

"Thanks... Midoriya-chan" He lifted his hand like a dying man and brought it up to her breast to squeeze. Izumi jolted and shoved him off her, a little harder than she meant to, as another metal claw lashed out narrowly missing her. Her full attention came onto the robots that blocked the path. It was the same robots from the entrance exam, only there was a mass army of them, including a small horde of Zero point robots.

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