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She was dreaming... she had to be. This was just unreal! She stared up at the projection, seeing All Might's face smiling at her as if he were standing right in front of her. She hadn't heard from the man in weeks, had given up on ever getting back in contact with him. Now she was sitting in her dark room, watching him as he delivered the results of her exam.

"You passed the written exam, but got zero villain points in the practical which mean naturally you would fail... if that was all there was to it."

Rescue points... because she had sacrificed her chance of collecting points by saving the girl from the zero point robot, she'd earned 60 rescue points, one of the highest accumulative scores. Bakugo she'd noticed was on top with 77, and the nice girl had 45, which meant all of them had passed and were going to U.A.

Once the projection stopped she held the acceptance letter itself in her hand to her chest. Tears filled her eyes and she stepped out into the hall where her mother had been pacing anxiously. Seeing the look on her daughter's face, her mom immediately went into comfort mode. She held her daughter, stroked her hair.

"There, there, Izumi-chan. It's okay..."

"I passed..." she whispered it, and her mother backed off not sure if she'd heard her correctly.


"I passed... sixty points..." the happy tears spilled over and she held out the letter to her mother. "Mama, I passed."

"R-r-really?!" She snagged the letter from her daughter, read it over and over and then tears of her own spilled out. "IZUMI! CONGRATULATIONS IZUMI!" She hugged her hard for real this time and both women cried and laughed with joy.

Her mother began to fret about, reading the letter and marking off things she would need to get for Izumi's first semester at U.A. Izumi started to pull out a note pad and help but her phone signaled, and her heart skipped as she saw the message from All Might.

Once you receive your test results, please come to Dagoba Beach. We must speak.

She smiled and quickly ran to the door yanking on shoes.

"Mom I need to go out for a bit, I'll be back."

"Okay, be careful, Izumi! I'll have dessert waiting for you to celebrate!" Her mother waved with a bright happy smile and just gushed at the thought of her quirkless daughter being the first to join U.A. without a quirk.

~Dagoba Beach~

Izumi was so happy to see All Might at the beach she forgot herself. She shouted his name so loudly the couple on the dock looked around for signs of the mighty hero... but all they saw was a girl and a skinny blonde man.

"Repeat after me... I had the wrong person." All Might told her in hushed tones.

"Eh? AH! SORRY I HAD THE WRONG PERSON!" She sighed as the couple turned their attention elsewhere. "Sorry about that, All Might. I was just so excited."

"It's alright... but congratulations on passing, young Midoriya." He held up his hand and she clapped hers against it, but then gripped him in a hug that took him aback. He pat her back and looked down at her bright smiling face.

"Thank you, All Might-sensei." She laughed a little bit after letting him go. "I was surprised to hear you'll be working at U.A. After all your agency is in Tokyo isn't it?"

"Yes, in the midst of my looking for a successor I was offered a position. I accepted it wholeheartedly thinking it would be the best way for me to find someone... but then I happened upon you."

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