Sports Festival: Bakugo's Resolve

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Kaminari lost, no he epically failed. The vine princess Shiozaki from Class B had completely cut off his source of power and restrained him within seconds. Izumi sketched and scribbled in her notebook of the powers displayed, her lips moving as she muttered her own mental notes. She blinked as her notebook was pulled away from her and she was smacked over the head with it. 


"This again? Geez you're annoying when you're in geek mode." Bakugo grunted and handed it back to her when she pouted at him. "If you're gonna write, don't talk. It's distracting."

"What are you writing, Midori-chan?" Uraraka peeked over looking at the notebook in question. "Are you taking notes on your future competition?"

"Huh? Oh, no... it's kinda my hobby. Before I joined U.A. I'd watch heroes in person or on TV and takes notes about their quirks and write theories and such about them." Izumi blushed a bit. "I guess you could say I was a major fan."

"Nerd you mean... this one..." Bakugo grinned and ruffled her hair making her grunt. "Would rush off every time a villain showed up and push her way to get a front row seat. She'd spend the entire summer vacation taking tours at local hero agencies, and her room is an All Might shrine."

"You've seen the inside of her room!?" This from Mineta in the back row.

"Of course... I used to go over to her place all the time. Play games, study, sit on her bed and watch TV." Bakugo gloated, snickering when he saw Mineta go red in the face. "Which reminds me..." he hooked an arm around Izumi's shoulders pulling her in even as she started making notes on the second battle. "Izumi, when are you gonna invite me over again?"

"Hmm? Eh? What did you say?" She blinked at him her concentration breaking. Bakugo's temple throbbed and he reached over with his free hand squeezing her cheeks together.

"Baka Usagi, I want to know when you are going to ask me over!"

"Oh... I don't know..." she thought about it. "I haven't had company over in awhile... mom might enjoy having you over."

"I'd like to come to your house too, Midori-chan." Uraraka put in leaning in. "I want to see this All Might shrine."

"Me too, Ribbit!" Tsuyu added. "I'd like to see your room."

"Me too!" Mineta jumped up and got the glare from all parties.


Izumi tapped her cheek thinking about it. 

"Well there's no school a for a couple of days after today so I guess you guys can come over then. I'll have to clear it with my mom though."

Damn it, Bakugo cursed under his breath. Why'd the girls have to get in on this conversation? He supposed it would be better to invite friends first, make it more comfortable for Izumi then just habitually show up... but damn it he wanted it to be just the two of them!

He played with the ends of her hair his mind whirling and running even as the next match started. She did her best to avoid muttering, but he could still hear the small murmur of phrases as she analyzed both Iida and Hatsume's quirks and highlights. While it turned out to be more of a show than a fight her pencil never stopped moving.

He tried to get her attention a couple of times throughout Ashido and Aoyama's fight, but always seemed to get interrupted by either something in the fight, or by a comment from one of their classmates. He couldn't get a word in, her brain was busy and preoccupied. He'd finally had enough and grabbed her chin pulling her in and leaning close.

"Geh! Kacchan? What?"

"You're ignoring me..."

"I'm sorry... I was paying attention to the fight, I thought you were too."

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