Sports Festival: Mind Games

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Author's Note: I want to address this now before I upset anymore of my readers. In regards to the BakuDeku relationship I want to clarify that I have no intention of justifying abusive relationships. You have to understand that as a writer I'm trying to develop Bakugo's character rather than full out change his personality. In the Manga and Anime he's an abrasive, almost savage angry person and it didn't seem fit to abruptly change his persona. That kind of change requires time and I hope people will continue to read and see that change as he progresses and learns to be a more caring person. As for Izumi her character also requires time to develop. I've been trying to display that she's building confidence in herself by reaching for her goals, and making friends as well as memories at U.A. In time this will help the relationship between herself and Bakugo. Thank you to those who showed concern on the subject and bringing that to my attention and I hope you will enjoy the story from here on out.

Ojiro's sudden withdraw as well as the withdraw of Shoda from Class B left people stunned and confused. Something had happened to them during the Calvary battle that had wiped their minds clean of the events, and in Ojiro's case he just couldn't simply step into the tournament knowing his classmates had worked so hard to achieve their goal and he'd gotten in on a technicality. So to take their place, Tetsusetsu and Shiozaki joined the bracket.

Izumi, though she understood his reasoning, felt bad for Ojiro. He'd worked so hard during training the last couple weeks, improving his speed, his strength, and his quirk. They'd gone hand to hand before during class, and he'd left her impress and dazzled by his raw physical talent. Had he participated, Izumi was sure Ojiro would be a top contender.

She stared at the scoreboard, looking at the names that had been drawn and she had to swallow the lump in her throat. 


The purple hair guy from General studies had made her nervous since the first time she'd met him. Something about his eyes just made her feel cold inside, and she rubbed her arms trying to find the warmth again.

"You're Izumi Midoriya, aren't you?"

"Kya!" Izumi covered her mouth and whirled around to face her upcoming opponent. He stared down at her, his brow raised at the cheerleading outfit she'd forgotten she'd been wearing. Her blush was quick and she averted her eyes nodding at his question.

"Hmmm, oh well, even if you're a girl I'm looking forward to the first match."

"Eh?" She paused cocking her head to the side then smiling thinking he was trying to be friendly. "MeMMMMPH!"

"Midoriya!" Ojiro covered her mouth with his tail, his eyes narrowing over her shoulder at Shinso. The General studies student smirked and walked off as Izumi turned around looking confused.


"Don't answer him." He warned her, and stepped up close to whisper. "Whatever you do, don't answer him."

"Eh? Why?"

~With Bakugo~

"Eh? Uraraka?" He looked at his opponent of the first match, heard her squeak in surprise. He'd hoped to get Todoroki, or Tokoyami as his first opponent... better yet that stupid Hatsume from support course who'd had his hands all over Izumi not even an hour ago. He couldn't very well take his frustrations out on Uraraka, or Izumi would throw a fit... hell the whole stadium would.

"That bites..." he sniffed and turned just in time to see Izumi walking off with Ojiro. His temple throbbed and his hands lit up. "WHAT THE HELL? IS THE ENTIRE CLASS AFTER HER NOW!?"

"Calm down, you idiot." Todoroki grunted from behind him. "I'm pretty sure Ojiro is just giving her some advice. Shinso is her first opponent, and I'm guessing his withdraw had something to do with that guy's quirk."

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