“There’s more fish out in the sea, apart from Maddie. I can find anyone else.”

And then he left, pushing me when he walked past me. I turned around to say something to him, but Danny took me by my arm and stopped me from doing so. The rest of the boys said goodbye and followed their friend.

“But did you see that? Who does he think he is?”

“He’s Niall Horan.”

“Danny, I’m serious, why did he push me?”

“I don’t know; he may be bothered.”

“Why would he? Because I didn’t give him my number? That boy is a jerk.”

“Maddie, he may be bothered because his friends won’t stop telling him you didn’t give him your number.”

“Maybe, but he could be a bit more respectful.”

Niall’s POV

What did I care if she didn’t give me her number? She was just another girl. It’s true I liked her when I first met her, but I didn’t like her anymore. Who did she think she was? She was a nobody, and she had rejected me. I noticed the lads coming closer.

“Niall, what was that for?” Liam asked.

“What are you talking about?”

“Why did you just push that girl?”

“She deserved it.”

“But why?”


“You like Maddie, don’t you?”

“I just met her, and anyway, we don’t get along.”

“That’s why you asked for her number, isn’t it?”

“I thought she was pretty, but that’s it. I don’t like her, and I don’t want to hear about her.”

“So… you won’t mind if I try to get her, would you?” Harry said.

 “That’s it, do whatever you want to do. I don’t care.”

We stopped talking about her and kept on walking. However, I couldn’t get that girl out of my mind. Harry and Maddie? They wouldn’t last long. Maddie was too much for him, but now that I thought about it, what did I care? Absolutely nothing, I hated her, not just because she didn’t want to give me her number, but because of her attitude.

Maddie’s POV

When I came home from my walk with Danny, I found Nate and Leigh lying on the couch, watching TV. I headed straight to my room. Nate and Leigh were my flat mates, and my best friends. Nate and I got on very well, we barely argued. But Leigh was different. She was my best friend, and I loved her so much, but she was a bit stubborn sometimes. We would argue over clothes or home tasks, but the angriest she’d get was when I told her that she would end up dating Nate. It was the truth, even though none of them would admit it, they liked each other. I heard someone opening my door; Leigh came in and sat on the bed.

“Where have you been?”

“Walking around with Danny, as always.”

“Are you sure there is nothing between you two?”

“Sure, he’s with Georgia.”

“And does that bother you?”

“No, I stopped liking Danny long ago.”

Truth is that when we started texting each other around two years ago, I liked him. But when I moved to London, I met Dylan, fell in love with him and forgot about Danny. Anyway, he had a girlfriend. At the end, Dylan turned out to be a real jerk, and Danny became my best friend. But Leigh wouldn’t understand that yet; she still though I felt something else for Danny.

“And have you seen One Direction again?”

“Yes, I’ve seen them today actually.”

“I want you to introduce us!”

“I don’t think we’ll be very good friends anytime soon, to be honest.”

“I don’t care; I still want to meet them! You know the weird obsession I have for Harry.”

“Yes, the same you have for Nate.”

“I have no obsession for Nate! We’re just friends! And that doesn’t matter now, did you speak to Niall?”

“Yes, he’s an idiot, I can’t stand him. I don’t know how you like them that much.”

“They’re very nice; you’ll see it when you get to know them better.”

“They’re not nice and I don’t need to know them better.”

“C’mon Maddie, you must like at least one of them, and the way I see it, the lucky one is Niall.”

“He’s not! I don’t like any of those boys! Now, leave.”


She got up and before opening the door she turned around.

“Maddie, I’m sorry to say this to you, but you’ll end up falling for one of them.”

She opened the door and left.

Keep Me Warm (Niall Horan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें