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12 February 2019
Eunhwa's POV

I have been held captive in a certain room for 2 days now. I still don't know who in the world held me captive or basically kidnap me but I have a hunch on who it might be. It's kind of obvious actually with the evidence and all to be honest.

Well technically I have been tortured through the entire days and I only get fed once a day, moreover with my hands cuffed behind me. If Mark was here then he would have find a way to break free but... I'm not as strong as he is. And besides, my legs are also tied to either a chair or the bed in the room I'm in.

And then realization hits me... that I would have my heat today. Out of all times I need to have my heat at this specific time? I mentally cursed as I once again realized that the person guarding me is a guy and that this would not be good at all.

I have no knowledge of martial arts, oh wait, I do have basic knowledge of it because Hyoyoo taught me some stuff once. Just then, the guy entered the room and said "I think it's time for an introduction now. The name is Hwang Yoonsang, Yoonmi's brother" he said. So not only the sister is the bully, but also the brother.

"She'll come and see you in a while, but you should know that I can smell your pheromones" he said smirking before leaving the room. Fuck. I looked around for anything that I can maybe use to break myself free but nothing. If Hyoyoo was here then she would break their bones with her hands cuffed.

Wait... that's it. Although I know basic martial arts skills, I still attended Wushu and Wing Chun when I was a kid. So let's just hope I still remember things. My legs are tied so that would be easier to break. I have small legs so that would be to my advantage this time. And for once, I'm glad that my legs and feet aren't big.

I twisted and turned my feet until the ropes became loose and I can tell that it wasn't a strong knot. Because if it was, then I wouldn't be able to get away with just 5 minutes of doing that. Anyways, after that I try to find anything sharp but to no avail.

Suddenly, the door busted open and there stood 4 people, Jisung and my 3 friends. I widened my eyes at the thought of them possibly getting killed and I shook my head. "No, you are going to be saved and that's final" Jisung said as he begins to run towards me.

He sniffed the air and asked "Are you on your heat?" I shyly nodded and Hyoyoo was the one who responded to that. "Shit" she said. She took a knife from her pocket and slammed it down my handcuffs and I was free from it. "Just knew that that could work" Hayeon said.

"Girls, not now" Yerin said. I stood up shakily because I haven't stood up for 2 days straight and Jisung straight up hugged me and I winced as he came in contact with the bruises and scars Yoonsang left. "Are you okay?" he asked, noticing the pain in my face.

I shook my head as a no and that was when he realized all the bruises and scars I had. He looked up at me in shock. "Who did this to you? Tell me please" he asked. "Yoonmi was the mastermind but... her brother, Hwang Yoonsang did it" I said.

He grits his teeth and closed his eyes as he lets out a breath. "Guys we have incoming" Hyoyoo suddenly alerted us. It must be Yoonmi, Yoonsang said that she would come here. "So- wait, what?" she said as soon as she landed her eyes on me and the girls.

"What are all of you doing here?" she asked. "Saving her you dumbass" Hayeon said. "Wha- wait... why is Jisung oppa here?" she asked. "First of all, do not call me that. Second, she is my dearest mate so would you please back off on that now?" Jisung said.

"Mate? Who cares about that anyways? We all know that you love me" she said confidently. "In what way would I love you? What should I love about you? Nothing I tell you that" Jisung spat out. "Disgusting piece of shit" Yerin mumbled.

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