21- Pavement and Jars

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Chapter 21: Pavement and Jars


Apparating to Cassiopeia's house was harder than we had thought it would be, seeing as I was too weak to do it properly.

Although I had regained some energy and wasn't as fatigued as I was about thirty minutes ago, my body still ached with the effort to move, making a simple task like apparition seem impossible. The silver tendrils under my skin were moving at a rapid pace now but refused to go back to their natural black state which frightened me and after catching my reflection in another lake, I noticed my eyes and hair were still the same shade of silver.

After what felt like hours but was probably less than ten minutes, Tristan managed to apparate both of us to a dark alleyway.

My feet hit the pavement a little harder than they usually would and I instantly felt a pair of arms wrap around my body, holding me steady.

"Thanks," I breathed, letting my eyes wander around the dark alleyway. I could feel Tristan's gaze on me and when I turned my head in his direction, I saw how his eyebrows had furrowed and his eyes held a pained expression.

I opened my mouth to question him about it but he instantly looked away, dropping his arms from my body and taking a step back.

I took a deep breath before standing straighter and turning around. "Where do you think her house is?"

I tried to ignore the stinging pain under my skin and clawed at the skin on my arms. Tristan must have noticed the small action because he reached up to grab my hand, lacing our fingers. Relief instantly washed over me and I felt the pain demolish.

"It's right around the corner." He said, his voice coming out in a husky whisper and I nodded.

Instead of responding, I began walking out of the alleyway, tugging Tristan along with me. I pulled my hood above my head with my free hand and kept my head down as we both stepped into the light of the streetlights. 

The streets were not crowded at all, having only a few people walking around. I got a couple of questioning glances but didn't react to the suspicious looks.

"Here." Tristan whispered, leaning down so I could hear him properly. We stopped in front of a small house. It was painted a dirty white, with wooden door. There were three stairs leading up to the door and without wasting any time, I climbed up.

Tristan looked down at me with a questioning look and I nodded. He hesitantly knocked one the door and took a slight step back. The music from behind the door disappeared, replacing with the sound of shuffling footsteps. I heard locks click and I turned my head up to look at Tristan who was staring at the door with a crease on his forehead.

"Just a minute!" a soft voice groaned before the door swung open slightly to reveal an unfamiliar girl looked slightly younger than me. She blinked at us for a minute, her brown eyes shifted from me to Tristan and back. Her eyes would stay on my face for a bit longer, studying my silver eyes.Her lips turned up into a nervous smile.

"How can I help you?" She asked softly, her eyes lingering on me for a few extra seconds.

"Um, is Cassiopeia home?" Tristan asked, awkwardly shifting in his place.

She hesitate, her brown eyes carefully analysing us for a few seconds.

"Yes, she is." She tilted her head to the side slightly. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

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