Ch.43: When Old Friends Turn Into Enemies

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 It was a dark night in New Orleans, as a human and injured Katherine Pierce walked, heading for the compound, needing help. She had ended up in New Orleans after somehow ending up alive again and human.

Suddenly, seeing who she assumed to be a vampire, she stopped, and he pulled her into an alley; like he had with the others. He was here to cause trouble for Klaus, instead of helping him. He had lied to Klaus, but figured that he wouldn't be found out.

"Well, haven't you had a rough night," he greeted and then gave a smile, but it wasn't a friendly one.

"More than a rough night," she corrected him.

He pinned her to a wall in the alley, before vamping out and drinking from her. He'd have a little, before he did to her what he had done to the others. Unlike some of the others, she was human.

Klaus was walking, skewering the city for evidence of who was doing the recent vampire murders that Cami thought was the doing of Lucien, because they had started when he had arrived in town. Klaus saw her point, but he didn't think Lucien would kill his own kind without a good enough reason. Besides, Klaus had sired him and they were old time friends. The trouble was that his friends tended to turn on him and become his enemies.

He stopped, smelling human blood, Lucien, and a very familiar scent that he'd know anywhere. She was supposed to be dead, though.

Before Lucien could kill her like he had the vampires, he arrived at hybrid speed and through him away from her. No matter what, he wouldn't let an old friend or enemy kill her.

He stood between her where she now lay on the ground and Lucien got to his feet.

"What are you doing?" he questioned the Original hybrid.

"I could ask you the same thing," Klaus answered.

"So, what? You're protecting a human now?" Lucien accused.

"She's not just any human. Let's just say she and I have a long history. So, it is you. You're the one killing vampires."

"And if I am? You wouldn't kill an old friend, Klaus. It isn't in you anymore. You've gone soft. You're like a tame dog that doesn't quite have the guts to bite back."

He gave a growl and then ripped out his heart.

"No one threatens me like that and gets away with it," he growled.

A moment later, he was knelt at Katerina's side.

He gently pulled her into his arms and bit his wrist, putting it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat to heal her.

"Stay with me, Katerina. You'll be okay, luv. Just stay with me."

After her wounds healed, he took his wrist away which instantly healed, and got to his feet, her in his arms, heading home to the compound. He wasn't a complete monster. He couldn't leave her there. Especially, when he assumed she didn't have a place to stay.

Once in his room, he gently layed her down in his bed. He then sat on her bedside, waiting for her to come to.

Hours later, when she finally came to, she realized where she was and saw who was with her.

"Klaus?" she questioned.

"It's me, luv. Feeling better?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

"You're welcome, Katerina. Now what are you doing in New Orleans? Last I heard you were supposed to be dead."

"I don't know. Somehow I was brought back. I don't know how," she explained.

"Welcome to New Orleans then, luv," he replied with a smile.

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