Will You Come and Save Me? (Klatherine)

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Summary: When Kat died, she ended up in the prison world. When Klaus dies, what happens when he finds her in need of help?

It was a nebulous night inside the store, as she lay there. Kai had long since left her there to die after the damage he'd done. Probably to find a way to leave without her. He'd done quite the damage. Her vision was nearly completely black. She knew she was dying from blood loss and her injuries.

Klaus had just sacrificed himself for Hope, only to end up in what appeared to be a prison world. Then, when he was by a store, he smelled scents he'd come accustomed to. A lot of blood and Katerina. His past self would've let her die without Elijah in the picture, but not these days. The past was behind him when it came to her.

He gave a growl at the thought that someone here had hurt her. Even when he'd hated her, he never would've physically hurt her. Even as a monster, he was better than that. He'd been somewhat a gentleman even as a monster back in the day.

He blurred towards the scents, coming upon the aftermath just moments later.


He blurred over and knelt at her side. She'd clearly lost a lot of blood. She had an open artery and a lot of injuries elsewhere, including a head injury. She was pale from blood loss and her injuries. He didn't know if she could digest blood, but knew he had to do something. He didn't want to watch her die, unlike the last time she'd been alive. He didn't know how to tend to injuries like Rebekah, nor could he magically heal like Freya, so all he could do was his best. Or try his hybrid blood. When she'd been dying, no one had tried hybrid blood. Just vampire blood.

He slid his hand under her where her shoulder blades were, crook of his arm supporting her head, pulling her gently into his arms.

"Stay with me, sweetheart." He positioned her head gently back and bit his wrist, putting it to her lips. "Come on, Katerina. Drink."

Everything had just gone black for her, when she vaguely felt someone moving her somewhat. Then she vaguely heard his familiar voice. She was surprised, since he'd never helped or saved her in the past before. She was also surprised, because he hadn't been here before. She'd been alone with that psychotic Gemini witch, but now he was here. And no matter how evil Kai could be, he wasn't a match for the Original hybrid. She was thankful for him being here, but also realized that him being here meant he'd probably died. That was something she hadn't wanted. She'd forgiven him on her deathbed before ending up here. She didn't want this for him. She didn't want to think of a world without Klaus. Or even Elijah. She may not love him like she loved Elijah, and probably always would for the rest of whatever lives she had left, but she'd do anything she could to keep the Mikaelson bloodline alive.

When she eventually woke up, she found herself at the prison world version of the Mikaelson house. She was on the couch in the living room. She figured why he'd brought her here, instead of the boarding house. He may not have known who or what had tried to kill her, but one thing he knew. Any enemy that was smart enough wouldn't dare go anywhere near the Mikaelson place. Klaus struck so much fear into people like she had that nobody would want to mess with him. At least, the old Klaus she knew. She didn't know if he'd changed. She knew she had a little. When she'd been reunited with Nadia, she'd wanted to change for the better for her. Do anything for her. Show her the world, even. And that had kept her going, and she'd changed for her, even dead. She didn't know if it was the same for him, since she hadn't known what had happened after he'd left town.

She sat up to see that he was indeed here. She still felt weak from the blood loss she'd endured, but she was healed. That was a plus for her. Maybe back when she'd been dying of old age, all they'd needed was a hybrid's blood. Not vampire blood.

He approached her, having been leaning against the threshold of the living room, watching her. As weak as she was, he figured it was his job to protect her if she needed it. After all, Elijah wasn't around anymore to do so. And as far as he knew, he went to peace, instead of here.

"You're here," she greeted him.

"If you must know, I sacrificed myself for my daughter. I felt that it was the only way to save her. She could've died turning if the Hollow was still inside her that she took in to reunite us all. She couldn't stand to have her family separated her entire life. When I sacrificed myself, I suddenly ended up here. Then I smelled you. I stopped hating you a long time ago, so I figured I should do something," he explained to her, without her having to ask what he was doing there. They were too much alike for him not to know that she wanted to know why he was there. And how.

"I'm glad you did. Thanks. Seems like I missed a lot. Guess I've been here longer than I thought. I knew about the pregnancy from Sophie, but I didn't get to live long enough to find out what happened next. I forgave you on my deathbed last time, though."

He poured a shot glass of Bourbon and gave it to her, which she took, knowing exactly what she needed.

"What happened, Katerina?"

"Kai happened. I refused to be used for him to get out of here, so he left me for dead. Who knows where he is now. He's a Gemini witch, in case you've never heard of him. He doesn't have any real magic, though. He had to take some with a touch in order to do magic."

"I promise you, I will rip out his heart for what he's done," he told her. 

She'd known him for far too long. She knew he meant it. It was the same tone he used when someone threatened his family. And like Elijah used to with her, Klaus was never one to make promises he couldn't keep. But Elijah had left, which to her was breaking his promise. Centuries ago, he'd promised he'd always be there when she needed him. He'd also promised that he'd never leave her. Now, it seemed like Elijah and Klaus had switched places. Klaus was the one wanting to protect her now.

She sipped the shot glass of Bourbon, soon finishing it. 

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you," she replied, and gave a smile. 

After quite a long while of being in the prison world together, they grew closer with each other. It had given them a tight bond, and they'd come to love one another. Especially, after everything they'd been through. And Klaus kept his promise. After they got the ascendant and put it together, he ripped out Kai's heart and the two of them escaped the prison world. When they did, they ended up in New Orleans. And so, they got a happy ending.

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