Ch.29: Tangled Up In Blue

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Katherine Pierce/Katerina Petrova

It's a dark night, as I wander through the woods in New Orleans. I'm new here and looking for someone I can trust to kindly save my life. I prefer Elijah, but I wouldn't mind another friendly person, whether he or she is human or a supernatural being. It doesn't matter, as long as my life gets saved before I cease to live.

Suddenly, I stop, seeing Rebekah fighting what looks like a few vampires. Hayley has already ran off. Then one of them takes out an arrow.

I run towards the scene, hoping to help her. I'm only human, but I can do something. I have to, because she is my only hope in finding out where Elijah is located at. That, and she's Niklaus' only sister. If anything happened to her, Klaus would be peeved off.

When I get to them, the rest of the vampires have gone in search of Hayley, but one remains. He's standing by Rebekah whom has an arrow in her back and is on the ground on her stomach.

"Get away from her," I say in a warning voice to him.

"And you are?" he questions me.

"Katherine Pierce. I'm human now, but you probably already know that from my scent."

At vamp speed, he pins me against a tree a distance away from where Rebekah lays temporarily dead. She's an Original. A White Oak stake is the only thing that can permanently kill an Original.

"Enough talk," he says, before using vamp agility and strength to put his hand into my chest. That's when I know I'm gonna die by a vampire ripping out my heart. Then I feel pain and gasp, trying to breathe. I barely can though, and my vision is halfway black.

Niklaus/Klaus Mikaelson

I'm not far from the woods, when I smell the mixture of blood and Marcel's vampires. So, at hybrid speed, I run, following the mixed scents.

When I see one of Marcel's vampires with his hand in her chest, I know I must do something, no matter how much she and I hate each other for the past. So, at hybrid speed, I arrive beside him and grab his neck with a hand and he takes his hand out of her chest.

I growl at him.

He looks at me.

"Hasn't anyone taught you that you don't treat a lady like that?" I say.

"Klaus," he says.

I rip his heart out of him and let go of him. It kills him and he falls to the ground. I then drop his heart on to his body.

I kneel down by Katerina where she's on her back on the ground.

I look down at her and realize that she's human. So, to save her life, I gently pull her into my arms and bite my wrist, before putting it to her lips, making my blood go down her throat to heal her.

A few minutes later, I take my wrist away and it instantly heals. I then lay her gently back down on the ground and get to my feet.

I walk over to my sister and pull the arrow out of her back, before tossing it to the ground and then, when I sense a vampire, turning around.

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