“Look who’s finally here.” Stephanie sarcastically said as she saw her two friends approaching the table.

“Told you she would be late.” Stephanie added looking over to Eleanor and Danielle who laughed.

“So Devan, this is Danielle!” Liam said cheerfully pointing to his curly haired girl friend that was sat to the right of him.

“And this is Eleanor!” Louis said pointing to his left to his brown haired, brown eyed girlfriend sitting between him and Danielle.

“Hey guys I’m Devan!” She said waving to the two of them as her and Harry walked to the last open seats at the large round table.

Devan sat on the right of Louis and Harry sat in the middle of Devan and Zayn, Stephanie was sat in between Zayn and Niall. And Niall was sitting in between Stephanie and Abby, who was on the other side of Liam.

All ten of them ordered and were having a great time.

“I love you.” Niall whispered to Abby who just giggled. Stephanie glared at the two of them.

“So guys I’ve got some news.” Zayn said seriously and the laughter began to die down and they all put their eyes on Zayn, even Stephanie.

“So me and Steph having been talking for a while.” He began to say as he looked over to her. “And we’ve decided to become official!” He said happily placing a kiss on her cheek; she smiled but couldn’t keep her eyes off of Niall. Niall however couldn’t keep his eyes off of Abby.

“Well I guess that means all of the boys in One Direction are taken!” Liam said laughing slightly the other boys did as well, except for Harry.

“Well everyone but me.” He said looking down.

“What happened mate?” Louis asked him.

“Nothing, we just broke up.” As he was talking Devan interlocked her fingers with his under the table, he squeezed her hand tightly and looked back up at the rest of them.

“It’s not a big deal.” He added forcing a smile.

They were already done eating, now they were just sitting there joking around.

“Well I think we better get going, we’ve got a busy day tomorrow.” Liam said looking down at his watch.

“Yeah, I’m getting tired anyway.” Niall added yawning slightly.

They all stood up Harry finally releasing Devan’s hand, and made their way to the exit.

*Harry’s POV*

What do I do now?

Is this going to be weird?

Don’t fuck up Harry.

Calm down! It’s just Devan!

“So that was fun!” Devan said to me as she buckled her seatbelt.

“Yeah.”  My eyes widened.


That’s it, out of everything I could have said, I said yeah?!

“Is something wrong?” She said as I realized she never took her eyes off of me.

“Uh yeah.”

“Everything’s fine.”

The next few minutes were filled with silence. My eyes were glued on the road because I was too nervous to look anywhere else.


“Yeah?” She replied.

“Thanks for before.” I really hope she knew what I was talking about; I didn’t want to have to explain it again.

“No problem.” She said smiling that same gorgeous smile she always had on.

I looked over at her and she was pulling her hair up into a pony tail.  She still looked good, that was one of the things I liked about her. Unlike any of my other girlfriends she wore clothes that actually covered her, she didn’t put on tons of make-up, but most importantly she didn’t like me for Harry Styles she liked me for just plain Harry. I couldn’t help but smile when I thought about it, she is truly amazing.

*Stephanie’s POV*

I walked arm and arm with Zayn back to the car with Niall and Abby.

I like Zayn I really do, but Niall. I mean he’s just, Niall.

I don’t know how else to explain it, but he’s with Abby and I’m with Zayn.

We all got into the car Niall and Zayn sat up front and I sat in the back with Abby. The car ride was quiet.

Finally after what felt like forever we pulled into the hotel parking lot.

“Goodnight guys!” Zayn said to Niall and Abby as he grabbed my hand to walk me back to my room.

“Wait!” Abby called. I rolled my eyes. What does she want? “ I talked to Devan, all of the girls are going to hang out tomorrow while the girls go out!”

“Sounds great!” I lied forcing a smile.

I plopped down on my bed just wanting to go to sleep.

“Well someone’s happy.” Devan said as she walked into the hotel room and saw me in bed with the TV on and an unpleasant expression.

“Don’t ask.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” She responded putting her hands up defensively and walking into the bathroom.

I turned the TV off after she came out and turned the lamp off.

“Oh I don’t know if they told you but we are all going out tomorrow.” Devan reminded me.

“Yeah. I know.” I replied rolling over in bed pulling the covers up a little higher.

Great that’s just what I want to do, spend the day with Abby.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to upload! My computer broke so I had to find another computer that I could use to write and post this chapter! Anyway I will be updating tomorrow again! Vote/Fan/ Comment and tell me what you think! :) - Devan

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