I'm not your princess, and this most definitely ain't a fairytale

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Cole's point of view:

Kara and I were in my car driving to the nearest diner.

"We're going to Pacific Diner right Cole?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, that's what is the closest." I said. 

She nodded her head and turned up the radio. The song, 'Just The Way You Are' by Bruno Mars was on. I didn't really mind it and Kara seemed to like it since she was singing along with it.

"So how's school going?" Kara asked.

"It's alright. I just want this year to be over already." I said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. So how's Kyle?" She asked.

"He's good I guess. We're still great friends." I told her as we pulled into the diner parking lot.

"Doesn't he have a younger twin sister?" 

"Yeah, her name's Kylie." I told her.

"How is she doing? It's been so long since I've seen everybody." 

"Well uh right now she's in the hospital."

"What?! Why what happened to her?" Kara asked.

"Well, a couple of days ago we were at Nate's party and Nate tried to force Kylie's cousin, Sydney, to do some stuff that she didn't want to do. I guess Sydney was kinda my date to the party so when I found out what Nate did, we started fighting. Kylie found Sydney crying and asked her what happened and Syd told her. Then she came over to where Nate and I were fighting and she kept yelling at us to stop. We didn't and she got in the middle of it. I went to punch Nate but Kylie got in front of me and I accidentally hit her. Kylie fell to her the ground, hit her head on the cement, cracked her head open, passed out, and now she's not waking up." I told her.

"Oh my gosh Cole, I'm sorry." She said.

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm the jackass that put her in the hospital."  I said, now getting mad again.

"I'm sorry because you love her. I can see it, clear as day. When you talked about her, you could see it in your eyes." She said as we sat down at our table.

"I don't love her Kara; I'm just worried about her." I said.

So maybe I do like her, just like and that's all, but I wasn't about to tell Kara that. And it's not like I could go out with her cause Kyle would kill us both.

"Okay, whatever you say Cole." She laughed.

I glared at Kara which made her laugh even more.

Our waitress finally came over to take our orders. She had strawberry blonde hair with green eyes, she was really pretty.

"Hello, my name is Kirsten and I'll be your waitress for today. What can I get you guys to drink?" She asked.

"Can I have a Sprite please?" Kara asked.

"Sure and what would you like?" Kirsten asked me.

"I'll just have a Coke, thanks." I told her.

Kirsten nodded and walked away.

"So Kara tell me how you've been." I said.

"I've been alright I guess. College is well college. My roommate, Stephanie, is really nice. We're like best friends now. I was going to bring her so that you could meet her but I didn't want to after the way I left things last year. I didn't know if we were going to fight a lot so I didn't want to make it awkward for her." She said.

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