(200,000+ Readers Special) -U N T Y P I C A L-

Start from the beginning

You turned around as Akimichi yelled out your name, the whole area getting silent. Choji held a large bag of (favorite flavored) chips as he stopped a few feet away from you. "Shikamaru and I-" he said, motioning towards the monotone friend,"-got these for you. As a welcoming gift."

A laugh came out from one of the small groups that had been watching you. "Sorry Choji, but there's no way (Y/n) would ever like you! Stop trying so hard!" some guy yelled out, several laughs following after his statement.

Glaring at the source, Shikamaru grabbed some fabric of Choji's shirt. He dragged him away from you as you held the bag of chips close to you, watching the two walk away. You didn't show it, but you felt horrible for Choji being laughed at. A guy with light brown hair walked up to you, brushing his hair in what you assumed was supposed to be a "seductive" motion. "I would buy you all the snacks in the world, (Y/n)!" he told you, wiggling his eyebrows.

You quickly walked off and rolled your eyes at his gesture. But unfortunately, this only sparked more excitement towards you- and it was only the first day.

------------------T I M E S K I P: C H U N I N E X A M S, F O U R Y E A R S L A T E R

The busy crowds, yet crippling silence. You observed the area along side Team 8 who you were part of, which included Kiba, Hinata, and Shino.

Of course, your previous classmates and such were astonished to find you standing in their presence again, as per usual. You came to find out over time Sasuke and you were treated similar, but finding no curiosity to find out why.

"I wonder how many times they have to see your face to get over you." Kiba complained, to which you nodded in agreement with an angry pout. "Did I do something wrong?" you mumbled, placing your fist against your chin and mouth. "I-It's not that, (Y/n) Sama..." Hinata told you in her usual soft tone. "Guys are just idiots." Shino added in.

The door opened to reveal your close friends Choji and Shikamaru. "I'll be right back," you told your group, who waved you off as you walked away. Hands in your pockets, you glared over at Shikamaru who glared back in agreement.

Alike how Sasuke hated Naturo, you too hated Shikamaru and considered him a rival in skills due to your similar abilities & intelligence. "Long time no see, Y/n! I feel like it's been a year!" Choji told you, to which you gave him a wide smile.

"It has been, silly." you said, crossing your arms over your chest. Ino didn't talk much to you, staying quiet as she stared over at Sasuke arguing with Naruto.

"Well it's too bad we won't see you next year for when you fail the exam." Shikamaru noldly stated, earning an elbow from Choji. "Oi! Shikamaru! Let's be encouraging towards each other...especially with so many competitors..." he whispered, his eyes trailing around the room like you did before.

Patting Choji's shoulder, he flushed in the lightest pink as you shrugged. "It's okay Choji, I don't mind the fact Shikamaru is just hiding his insecurity." you told him, Shikamaru's expression towards you looking annoyed.

"I hope I'll see all of guys in the third part, I'm sure you all will do well." you told them, but staring at Choji the most out of the three. You realized your hand was still stuck to his arm, quickly taking it off and walking away.

Ino frowned at the two boys, both of her eyebrows lifting. "Why are you guys friends with someone like that? She may be attractive or whatever, but she's so rude." she told the two. "We could say the same about Sasuke, though." Choji retaliated, watching her facial cheeks puff out in defeat.

Choji felt his heart rate pace up at just the thought of Y/n, excusing it to be the mere excitement of seeing his friend again. After many years of both guys and girls telling him he never had a chance with her or anyone, he found himself excusing any signs of a crush as something else. He never wanted to face the rejection that would probably happen.

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