8 (iv) - Molly

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Now Molly had chosen the same path – who knew if it would work out for her?  Or Amy?  Or any of them?  But surely they had to keep trying. 

“My boyfriend, Josh, says I have to choose between him and the band,” announced Molly suddenly.

“What?  Why?” asked Amy.

“He thought the band had potential when Sherri was with us, but now he thinks it’s a silly dream.  He says I should go back home or…”

“Or, what?”

“It’s over between us!”

“Does he even know how crazy talented you are?” fumed Amy.  “How hard you’re working down here?  How you deserve to follow your dreams?  You shouldn’t have to make that choice unless you really want to.”

“And neither do you,” said Molly, squeezing Amy’s hand again.

Amy smiled as she realised what Molly had done.  “Point taken,” she conceded.

“Amy, I don’t think you’re ready to give up on this yet,” said Molly.  “You wouldn’t have arranged for us to stay at your parents if you didn’t believe in us, or yourself.”

Amy gave a rueful smile.  “Kat’s not so bad I suppose.”

“She’s amazing,” said Molly.  “And so are you!  We all are!”

Amy laughed.  “There’s no need to go overboard now.”

For the first time since she’d joined the band Molly felt a genuine closeness with Amy rather than a friendly camaraderie.  It reminded her of the bond she’d lost with Georgia and for a moment she felt a twinge of sadness.  Amy must have noticed and thought it was about Josh.

“Are you upset about your boyfriend?” she asked.

“A little,” said Molly.  “He’s a nice guy, but I can’t be with someone who doesn’t understand me.”

“So have you finished with him?” asked Amy.

“Not yet,” said Molly.  “But I will.”

“Do you love him?”

“I thought I did, but if I’m willing to give him up, I can’t have done,” mused Molly.

“That’s not necessarily true,” said Amy.  “I gave someone up I was in love with.”

Molly suddenly felt embarrassed, but couldn’t stop herself from asking.  “Was it Derren?”

Amy was clearly taken aback. “How did you know?”

“Just a guess.”

“But now I think he’s moved onto someone else,” said Amy, steadfastly holding Molly’s gaze.

“Really?” asked Molly, suddenly regretting her bold question.

“Molly, did something happen between you and Derren?  Because on the night of the showcase I could tell something intense was going on between you.”

“I just didn’t want him to tell anyone about the new song,” said Molly, which was true.

“It seemed like more than that,” probed Amy.

Molly wanted to tell her the truth, but wouldn’t it hurt Amy to know that Derren had come on to her while Amy still had feelings for him?  Especially as Amy was so down on herself right now.  There was only one way round it.

“I came on to Derren at the showcase,” said Molly. 

Even to Molly’s own ears it sounded ridiculous, but now she’d said, she had to go with it.

“But he didn’t want me,” she babbled on.  “He said there was someone else.”

Amy looked stunned.

“I’m sorry,” said Molly.  “I didn’t know you two had been together, otherwise I wouldn’t have done anything.”

“Derren knocked you back?”

“Yes,” said Molly. 

She hated lying but at least Amy’s feelings were intact. 

“But it was just a stupid crush,” laughed Molly.  “I’m over it now – thank goodness!”

“Well, he does have that effect on girls,” smiled Amy.  “But I’m surprised you fell for it.  I thought Rhian would have been the one to throw herself at him.”

Molly laughed, but inside was cringing. 

“So you don’t hate me?”

“Course not,” said Amy.  “I mean, you didn’t know what had gone on with us.”

Molly breathed a sigh of relief.  It seemed to have worked.  As long as they didn’t have to see Derren McKenzie again, Molly thought this would all blow over.

“Come on,” said Amy, linking arms with Molly.  “Let’s go back to the dance studio.  See if they’ve called Kat yet.”

As Amy pulled her along, Molly’s mind was racing.  So Amy definitely had feelings for Derren after all.  Molly was glad she’d rejected his advances and that she hadn’t hurt Amy by telling her what really happened.

The trouble was… ever since the showcase, Molly had found herself thinking more and more about Derren McKenzie. 

Melody 5 - Rising StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora