14 (iv) - Molly

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--- MOLLY ---

Molly had caved in...

"It's a no brainer," said Derren. "You've got to go with Sherri."

...she'd called Derren McKenzie.

As she'd laid in bed earlier, Molly's head had been spinning.

Sherri or Lena?

Sherri or Lena?

Georgia or the band?

Ugh. Amy was right. This whole situation was freaking her out because it reminded her of what she'd gone through with Georgia. And with Amy and Derren. Although that one had definitely been a no-brainer - Amy for sure. Derren couldn't be trusted and certainly wasn't worth jeopardising her friendship and the band. While Amy still had feelings for Derren, Molly knew he was off limits.

Then why did she still find herself daydreaming about him and his sexy blue eyes? Or the way his lip curled ever so slightly - not in a mean way, but in a naughty way, like he was having seriously saucy thoughts.

As Derren McKenzie filled her mind again, Molly knew she needed to get a grip. But that's when it had occurred to her. She needed to talk this Sherri situation through with someone and Derren was ideal. The other girls would just try to convince her of their opinion. Although day by day they were getting closer again, it was way too early to expect Georgia to be a sounding board when it came to the band. And her mum wouldn't have the faintest idea what she was going on about.

So Molly had texted Derren, asking if he free to talk.

He'd immediately texted back, saying that he'd FaceTime her in five minutes.

FaceTime in five minutes?

She'd only wanted a phone call.

She'd leapt out of bed, ran a brush through her hair and told Rhian that she was going to the recording studio to call her sister.

On her way, she applied a tiny slick of gloss and pinched her cheeks so at least they had a spot of colour. Then she'd curled up on the sofa in the corner of the studio to wait for Derren's call. Things were obviously going well for him as he was still in the States, directing more videos.

"Hey gorgeous," said Derren, as he face flashed up on her phone and he flashed that sexy smile of his.

Molly was determined not to get distracted from the matter at hand and launched straight into telling Derren about the offer from Glenn Davies.

She should have known what his advice would be.

"But we wouldn't even have made it this far without Lena," said Molly. "She believed in us when Sherri didn't. Got us all those gigs. Got us on the bill at Soundscaper."

"But that's showbiz," said Derren.

Hadn't Amy said something similar?

"That's how it works," he added.

"Well, that's not how I work," huffed Molly.

This had been a seriously bad idea.

"If you feel that strongly about it, then find another way," said Derren. He put on a fake American accent, like he was the voiceover for a summer blockbuster. "Aren't you 'super girl' Molly? The girl who always finds a way to help everyone."

"Very funny," smiled Molly.

"I remember you helping out your sis, when she stuffed up her audition."

"When I got in the way of her audition, you mean," said Molly ruefully.

"And I remember you inventing a little white lie to spare Amy's feelings," said Derren seriously.

Melody 5 - Rising StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora