8 (iv) - Molly

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--- MOLLY ---

“I didn’t like her,” announced Amy.

“But she was amaaazing!” said Jadine.

“There was something about her I couldn’t put my finger on,” said Amy.  “She was weird!”

“She was unique!” challenged Jadine.  “And that’s what we need.”

Amy and Jadine were at loggerheads again and Molly was waiting for the right moment to intervene.

“I preferred the third girl - Emily,” asserted Amy.

“She was identikit stage school moppet!” yelled Jadine.

I went to stage school,” shouted Amy.

“Then we’ve already got that covered!”

Molly thought now was definitely the right moment – before Jadine or Amy said something they’d regret.

“Let’s vote!” said Molly, in her best teacherly tone. 

“Fine by me,” snapped Jadine.

“And me,” seethed Amy.

“And because we’re an even number,” added Molly, “Lena should have the casting vote.”

Everyone nodded.

“So,” said Molly.  “All in favour of Emily, raise your hands.”

Amy lifted her hand and was slowly followed by Rhian.

“I liked Kat,” blushed Rhian.  “But is she really girl band material?”

“My point exactly!” said Amy.

“And all in favour of Kat…” said Molly.

Instantly Jadine raised her hand and was followed by Molly.

Two votes each.

Then slowly Lena raised her hand.  “I vote for Kat too,” she said.

“Kat it is!” said Molly, sharing a small smile with Jadine and Lena.

“Fine,” said Amy.  “But don’t blame me when she bums out.”

And with that Amy flounced out of the room. 

“What’s gotten into her today?” said Jadine.

Molly had no idea, but she’d noticed that Amy had been off all day.  So just like she had when Georgia had stormed out of this same room all those weeks ago, Molly raced after Amy.  However, unlike that fateful day, she managed to catch up with Amy, just as she was about to head into Covent Garden tube.

“Hey,” said Molly, as she grabbed Amy’s sleeve.  “What’s going on?”

Amy quickly spun round and Molly thought was going to get an earful of abuse but instead Amy let out a groan.  “Now Sherri’s gone, Jadine thinks she’s in charge.”

“She just wants what’s best for the band,” said Molly.  “We all do.”

“But I really need it to work out this time,” moaned Amy.  “Now I’m back home, my dad’s on at me every day about underlay and overheads.  He thinks I’ll be selling carpets with him by the end of the year!”

Molly chuckled. 

“I’m serious.  I’m 21, Molly.  This might not happen for me.  Maybe I should save my dad the bother of convincing me, pack this in and join him now.”

Molly reached out and squeezed Amy’s hand.  This is exactly what she’d feared for her sister when they’d auditioned for the band - a lifetime of rejection and disappointment, which was perfectly captured in Amy right in this moment. 

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