9 (ii) - Jadine

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--- JADINE ---

"How come you gave Lena such a hard time today?" demanded Jadine. It was late and the other girls had gone back to the house, but Jadine had volunteered to keep Lyric company as he put the finishing touches to their latest track - Fly Girls.

"Lena's a surfer chick," said Lyric. "What does she know about the British music scene?"

"She's lived here for over five years," defended Jadine. "And the reason she came here is because she loves British music."

"No offence," said Lyric. "But why is she interested in a girlband?"

"Because we're amazing," said Jadine without hesitation. "And, no one else will give a surfer chick a chance."

Lyric smiled and shook his head.

"What are you laughing at?" asked Jadine.

"You," said Lyric. "Always on the side of the underdog. Guess that's why you brought me on board." Jadine knew he was only half-joking.

"Hey," said Jadine. "I only work with people I believe in and who've got integrity. And are super-talented obviously," she added with a smile.

"Are you telling me you think someone like Amy has integrity?"

"In her own way, yes," said Jadine.

"Come on," smirked Lyric. "You two are always clashing about how raunchy a line should be. I can't wait to see you both on a video shoot!" he laughed.

"Okay, I don't agree with all of Amy's choices, but she's got a right to make them and at least she stands up for what she believes in."

Lyric got up and stretched. "Right, I think we're done here for tonight."

"Oh, okay," said Jadine, suddenly feeling awkward. This was the first time she'd been alone with Lyric since he'd come to Amy's, and it reminded her of hanging out at his flat back in Hackney when they'd first started working on music together. Back then they used to swing between easy banter and heated discussions, all the while drawn together by their love of music.

"Do you want a coke?" asked Lyric. "Or something stronger?"

"A coke will be fine," said Jadine.

Jadine watched as Lyric opened the mini-fridge in the corner of the room and pulled out two cans. He'd definitely been working out since she'd left Hackney - his muscles looked more defined and his stilted swagger was replaced by a laid back ease.

"Have you been going to the gym?" she asked as he handed her a coke and sat down on the sofa beside her.

"A bit," he muttered. "Needed to do something with all that spare time."

Jadine knew he was referring to ditching music after the ill-fated battle with Psylence. He'd been on the verge of selling his equipment when Jadine had approached him about producing tracks for the band. He'd outright refused at first, but Jadine had used a variety of emotional blackmail techniques until he'd finally agreed to do one track just to get rid of her! Then when she'd told him what Glenn Davies, the Head of Riva Records, had said about Melody Vibe, she knew he'd been pleased - even though he refused to show it.

"And now you've got five girls keeping you busy," joked Jadine.

"The gym was easier," smiled Lyric.

The clinked their cans together and each took a sip.

"So," fished Lyric. "You think I've got integrity and am super-talented then?"

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