Chapter 14 (i) - Rhian

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--- RHIAN ---

Rhian had to pinch herself. She couldn't believe her and the girls were sat opposite Glenn Davies, the Head of Riva Records, being offered the record deal of a lifetime - control over their songs, management of their own image, the chance to work with the hottest producers in town and a minimum five album deal.

It had only been a week since the Soundscaper Rising Stars Festival but they'd already met with two other top-notch record companies who'd both promised the girls the world - at a price. The girls hadn't been impressed with their plans for the band - Marketing revolving around Amy's relationship with Jake Miskew, sexy 'Lolita schoolgirl' videos echoing Rhian's appearance with Psylence and collaborations for Melody 5 to sing sultry harmonies behind an assortment of male rappers.

Rhian was no expert, but even she knew those record companies had seriously missed the point about what had made the girls the most talked about band on the planet since Soundscaper. Whereas Glenn Davies was right on the money.

It had all kicked off at the Festival. As soon as the band had stepped out on stage, the catcalls had started.

"Get your kit off girls!"

"Show us your boobs!"

"Rhian, come and suck on this!"

Most of it came from a few drunken yobs at the back, but that was nothing compared to the ominous presence of Psylence and his crew leering at them near the front of crowd. A wave of nausea engulfed Rhian every time she caught sight of Psylence's malevolent grin. She didn't think she'd get through the opening number, let alone a 30 minute set.

Thankfully Jadine sensed this and quickly changed the running order. As soon the opening bars of Break The Silence kicked in, Rhian felt even more nervous. What if it didn't go down well? What if the whole crowd turned on them? What if they got booed off stage? But it was too late to worry about that now.

Straight away it was obvious the track was an in-your-face response to Psylence's 2 On It and Jadine took great pleasure in directing her first couple of lines right at him.

You said she wanted it

That's a plain lie

You told her to suck it

Made a girl cry

Psylence, you ready to suck it up now?

Melody 5's here, we'll show you how!

The lop-sided grin slowly disappeared from Psylence's face, as people nearby turned and looked at him. Then the rest of the girls kicked in with their vocals...

Amy: Bumping & grinding is fun don't you know.

As long as I chose it, don't call me a 'ho.

Molly: But forcing a girl that ain't cool anymore

You can't make demands just cos you wanna score.

Kat: We all have a spirit, a soul you can't crush

It's there, believe it, don't tell us to hush

Jadine: You got the porn-horn, that ain't what real girls do

Stop jacking around with our minds, and screw you.

The audience gasped in shock then laughed. They were enraptured and wanted more. Rhian took a deep breath and launched into her solo...

Rhian: I did it because

Melody 5 - Rising StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora