Chapter 22

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Hey guys, it's AarinWolf5 here. I think this will actually be the last chapter for this one. (Although Fire Emblem Awakening is my favorite game ever!) I feel bad because I publish a chapter and then disappear for a year, and I hate leaving you guys hanging. I really enjoy writing, and I hope to be an author one day, if possible. Thank you all for the love and support you've given me over the years ❤❤ it really means a lot to me. Anyways, I'm not sure what else to say, so I really hope you enjoy this chapter.

Robin pulled the blanket tighter over her shoulders and shivered. It wasn't wasn't the cold that was making her shake, it was the thought of facing Grima in the coming hours. They had been through a lot the past few months, taking down Grimm's followers and nearing their foe each day. She watched the other Sheperds mill about, checking their gear and weapons, making sure the horses and wyverns were well prepared.

Her attention was shifted when fire wood was dropped in front of her. She looked up to see Frederick, Chrom's right hand man and closest friend.
"Care to do the honors, Milady?" He asked politely.
Robin reached into her satchel and pulled out her tome, flipped through a few pages and then cast a small fire ball from her hand to the wood. It ignited immediately.
"Finally some warmth." A voice said from behind her. She turned to see her husband, Chrom. He wasn't dressed in armor but lately his sword never left his side. She could see the hilt of Falchion glint in the fire light. He set down the boxes he was carrying and came over and sat next to Robin, letting out a sigh. The other Sheperds around the camp made their way to the fire as well and a silence fell over them.

Finally, Chrom broke the silence.
"I want everyone well rested tonight. It might be difficult to sleep but please, try your best. After you make sure everything is in place and accounted for, turn in for the night." He stated.
Robin watched him out of the corner of her eye, unsure of what to say. So much has happened. To learn Validar was her father, to learn she was the vessel of Grima. It was a lot to process.
It was almost too much for her to bear, but she did for her friends and for her new family.

Chrom and her sat side by side in silence, staring into the flames in front of them. Slowly, each of the Sheperds retired to their tents. They each tried to keep a smile on their face as the said their goodnights, because everyone was unsure of what would transpire in the next 24 hours.

Finally, Chrom and Robin were alone.
"Chrom..." She started but was cut off.
"If you're wanting to talk about what lies ahead, I really don't want to hear it, Robin. I honestly don't want this moment to end."
She gritted her teeth at his harsh comment but didn't blame him. They were both under so much stress. Who knows if they would return home after this? She thought about Lucina growing up without her parents and her heart broke. Her and the other children came back to stop that from happening but who could really stop the flow of time? They tried with Emmeryn and she still met a horrible fate.

Robin shook the thoughts from her head, not wanting to think about it. She needed her mind sharp, Chrom needed her strategies for tomorrow.
"I'm headed to bed." Chrom finally said, breaking the silence. She watched as he stood and walked to the back of their makeshift campsite, disappearing into the tent that they shared.

She stood up and hurried after him. By the time she got to the tent, he was already shirtless and laying down on the makeshift pallet. Both of his arms were behind his head and he was staring up at the tent.
Her eyes adjusted to the dark and Robin watched as his chest moved up and down with every breath he took. She was reminded of his beauty and the reason she fell for him which felt like forever ago.
"Are you going to stand and stare all night?" Chrom asked as she realized he was looking at her now. Her face flushed and she turned her back to him. She fumbled with the buttons on her clothes as she undressed. When she was in her under clothes, she reached into her bag for something to change into. Her hand stopped midway then it moved to the hem of her undershirt and lifted it over her head. Her hands skillfully moved in the dark to her the laces on the back of her corset. She undid them like she had so many times before.
"You're going to freeze to death." Chrom said from behind her, he was now laying on his side, his head propped up by his arm.
She tossed aside the rest of the clothing and padded over to him.

My Exalt (ChromxRobin)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant