Chapter 5

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Robin had spent most of the days napping or chatting with the other Shepherds.

January had just begun, marking Robin as five months pregnant. Chrom and the others had left around the end of December.

"In three months, we'll finally get to meet you." Robin caressed her stomach, giggling when the baby would react to her touch.
"Libra, come feel the baby! It's really active today!"

Libra had stayed close at hand, probably because of Chrom's request.

Robin guided Libra's hands around her stomach, the baby moving at his touch.

"Such a blessing." He grinned.

"Libra, do you want to have any kids?" Robin questioned.
"Yes, milday. A child would be a gift from Naga." He grinned, a sparkle in his eyes.

"I've been thinking, you would be a good influence on Tharja. I've seen you talking to her quite often, the two of you would be a great pair." Robin insighted.
"Oh, so you have seen us talking? Yes, she is pretty unique. But all she ever wants to talk about is you." He blushed

"Yes, she has her...obsessions... But she really is kind hearted once you look past the... Sadistic part of her." Robin chuckled.

"I shall take your advice." He chided.

"Well, I have some errands I have to run, care to join me?" Robin asked, struggling to get to her feet.

"Of course, milday." He smiled.

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