Chapter 15

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It was a long night, Chrom was by Robin the whole time holding her hand. She was soaked in sweat and breathing hard, occasionally gasping in pain.

Sometime, eventually everyone of the Shepherd's arrived, followed by a grinning Tharja.
Of course, Libra made everyone wait in the other room except Lissa and himself, of course.

Chrom changed out the the cold wet cloth on Robin's forehead. He couldn't remember how long they'd been here.
"Progress." Libra murmured.

Chrom signed. How much longer would it be?
He looked back at Robin, her eyes were closed. The muscles in her face were tight, and she was grinding her teeth to cope with the pain.

"Lissa, go boil some water, please." Libra commanded.
"On it." Lissa grabbed the bucket and left the room.

Chrom stared at Robin's face and brushed the hair out of her eyes.
"How are you holding up?" He asked.
"I'm managing." She said kinda breathlessly, not opening her eyes.

"We're just about there." Libra said, giving a thumbs up.
"Did you hear that? You're almost done!" Chrom cheered happily.
Lissa came back in, setting the bucket of warm water down next to Libra.
"I'm gonna go wait outside with the others." Lissa said, exiting the room.

"Alright Robin, this is the moment of truth. Are you ready?" He asked.
"Yeah..." She said breathlessly.
"Okay, just a few more pushes." He stated.

Robin gasped in pain as she pushed a few more times.
Chrom shut his eyes, not wanting to see his wife in pain.

Ten minutes have gone by then crying exploded into the room.
A baby crying.
Robin's breath was ragged and she was drench in sweat.
Chrom opened his eyes to the sound of the crying.

It was here, their baby was finally here.
"Oh my gods..." Chrom gasped as he washed Libra clean off the newborn and begin wrapping it in a towel.
"Congratulations, Robin and Chrom. Meet your baby girl."

A girl, they had a baby girl.
Chrom stared in awe as Libra handed the bundle to Robin. Her white hair was drenched in sweat and it was sticking to her face. Her breathing was starting to stabilize again.

After Libra handed the baby to Robin, he headed for the door.
"Mind if the others come in?" He asked, his hand resting on the door handle.

Robin shook her head, her eyes never leaving her newborn baby girl.
Their newborn baby girl, Chrom thought. He smiled at the thought.

Robin handed the baby to Chrom. He gently cradled her close to his chest.
"She's beautiful, Robin." He complimented."Just like you."
Robin smiled up at him.
"Well, she looks more like you than me." She confessed. That was true, she had the same blue hair he did.

"You're right." he chuckled.
"That's not all, look into her eyes." She said.
As Chrom looked into her eyes, he found a brand. Is was the same brand he had on his arm, the brand of the exalt.

The door opened again and Lissa entered first, followed by Frederick. The rest of the Shepherd's trailed in behind them.
"About time." Frederick joked.
"You're telling me!" Chrom joked alongside him.

"So tell us! What's her name?" Lissa questioned, her eyes shinning brightly, a huge smile on her face.
"Well, Chrom and I decided awhile back what we were going to name her. Everyone, meet Lucina." Robin answered as she introduced their baby.

"What a beautiful name." Libra complimented while he was leaning up against a wall.
"Thank you, it was Chrom's idea."

Conversations started up around the room as everyone got a chance to hold little Lucina. Robin and Chrom chit chatted about plans for her.
So far, everything was going great. Still, Robin still had that sinking feeling in her chest that wouldn't go away. It lessened once Lucina was born, but it was still there none the less.

But, that is a story for another chapter. (FOURTH WALL BREAK)
Hello, it's me. I apologize in advance for taking so long. School started back up and I'm been so busy and stressed. Um, I hope you like this chapter, and I will work on another soon. Thank you guys so much for reading it! You guys are my inspiration! Love you! Viva la readers!

My Exalt (ChromxRobin)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora