𝟐𝟎 : 𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐀 (rewriting)

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an inadequate blood supply to an organ or part of the body, especially the heart muscles


Jungkook was sitting in his office, filing through papers and feeling extremely bored after during nothing for the entirety of the past few days. The next surgery wasn't for another week and until then, Taehyung was busy planning and Jungkook was left to his own devices.

He yawned and got up to stretch for a little bit, before looking at the clock on his computer and deciding it was finally time for him to get some food. He placed his papers down and grabbed his wallet, heading out of the quiet office and down the hall towards the cafeteria.


Jungkook stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned around, hearing the familiar voice of the man he so dreaded talking to. He saw Jin running up to him with a stack of papers in his hands.

"Do you have a minute, Jungkook?" Jin asked, standing face to face with the boy who was wishing he had ran off to the bathroom again. Jungkook licked his chapped lips and tried to think of the best excuse possible to get out of his current situation.

"I... Um, was... h-heading to the... to the cafeteria to get some food," Jungkook stuttered, starting to turn around to walk away from Jin again.

"I'll come. I... um, wanted to talk to you," Jin said, following Jungkook to the cafeteria and waiting at a table while the younger boy got some food.

Jungkook waited in line and grabbed some food, trying to delay his conversation with Jin for as long as possible. He finally walked back to the table that Jin was sitting at and placed his food down across from him.

"I, um... Just wanted to say that I'm sorry," Jin said, looking directly at Jungkook. "I... You didn't deserve anything that I did to you," He said, looking away from Jungkook and across the hospital cafeteria.

"I was going through a lot when I was with you and it wasn't right of me to take that out on you specifically," Jin spoke, looking down at the floor. Jungkook felt tears prick the corners of his eyes from the horrible memories that he had with Jin.

"A-And I changed... I changed I swear!" He said, looking up at Jungkook. "I... I got a job in... in neurology l-like you said I would..." He mumbled, looking away from the table. "And I heard about everything you had accomplished in the short time you had been here... And I just wanted to congratulate you for that."

"I apologize for everything I did. You didn't deserve it. You're a great person, Jungkook," Jin said, finally gaining the courage to look at Jungkook again.

"Thanks for the apology," Jungkook said, feeling as if he got something off his chest even though it was all Jin's doing.

"It's the least I can do," Jin said and smiled sadly at Jungkook. "Friends?"

Jungkook smiled back at Jin. "Friends."

"Hey baby," Taehyung said from behind, placing his hands on Jungkook's shoulders and startling the poor boy.

"Hey Taehyungie," Jungkook replied, smiling when the man grabbed a chair and sat down next to him. Jin looked up at Taehyung and glanced back at Jungkook, to give him a confused expression.

"Oh, Jungkook, who's this?" Jin asked, wiggling an eyebrow in Jungkook's direction. Jungkook felt a pale blush rise onto his cheeks and he bit his lip, glancing at Taehyung before looking back at Jin.

"This is my b-boyfriend, Taehyung. He works in cardiology," Jungkook said, blushing more when he felt Taehyung reach under the table and intertwine their hands softly.

"Aw, that's sweet, Jungkook. Nice to meet you Taehyung," Jin said, nodding at Taehyung with a smile over his face. "I'm glad you found someone that you're happy with," Jin said, and Jungkook was shocked to hear the lack of malice in his tone.

"I couldn't be happier with anyone else," Taehyung hummed, smiling and nuzzling his head against Jungkook's temple. Jungkook blushed and squeezed Taehyung's hand tightly, maintaining awkward eye contact with Jin.

Taehyung moved back and put some space between himself and Jungkook, but didn't let go of Jungkook's hand. He made some mindless chatter with Jin and rubbed little circles with his thumb into Jungkook's hand. Jungkook relaxed into Taehyung's calming touch and joined in the conversation, forgetting that Jin was once the ex that had treated him so badly.

"Sup hoes," Jimin said, plopping down into the chair beside Jungkook. Jimin rose an eyebrow at Jungkook and Taehyung's closeness. Jungkook blushed a little and gave Jimin a look.

"Hey, Jimin," Jin said, sliding a bag of chips across the table and to the boy who just joined in. Jungkook threw a confused look over at Jimin after seeing how they somehow knew each other. Jimin only responded with a shrug before turning all of his attention to the chips in front of him.

Taehyung shuffled around in his seat before standing up and looking around at a clock in the cafeteria. "Sorry to leave shortly after you arrived, Jimin, but I think my baby and I should get going now," Taehyung said, urging Jungkook out of his seat and lacing their hands together. "I was promised glazed sweet potatoes for dinner and we have to stop by the market on our way home."

Jimin looked up from his chips in utter shock up at Jungkook. A chip fell from his mouth not-so-gracefully and a bright red blush covered Jimin's face. He covered his mouth and subtly kicked away the chip that had fallen on the ground.

"You're explaining later," Jimin said, staring directly at Jungkook with mischief laced in his tone. He swallowed his food and smirked at Jungkook before Taehyung dragged Jungkook away to go home.

"Let's get some sweet potatoes, yeah?" Taehyung said, holding onto Jungkook's hand tightly and heading to the car parked outside of the hospital.

"Sounds like a plan," Jungkook smiled and squeezed Taehyung's hand in return.


a/n: i'm going to just upload the rest of the book
i mean i have it all written out and i'd rather have this finished than halfway done
plus i don't feel motivated to write so i'm going to finish this and that'll be it :/
sorry for any typos ig

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