𝟒 : 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 (rewriting)

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the application of an electric shock in order to restore a normal heartbeat


Jungkook sat in an office chair, looking through a stack of papers before looking up at a woman and Chanyeol, who were sitting across from each other.

"This is a very high risk surgery and the patient doesn't have the ability to survive it, in my opinion. I can't do this surgery for you," Chanyeol said, setting the papers down neatly and sliding them across the desk to the woman.

"Are you—Are you kidding me? Please, you've never failed a surgery before," she said, looking up at him with tears welling in her eyes.

"You're right, and I plan to keep it that way," Chanyeol said, ushering the woman quickly out of the room. Jungkook stayed seated with the rest of the staff on Chanyeol's surgical "team".

Chanyeol walked back to the group, excusing them all and quickly rushing them out of his office, seeing his boyfriend walk by outside of the glass doors.

Jungkook walked back to his office, not bothering to look at the other surgeons he walked past—who probably didn't even look at him anyways—when he stumbled upon Jimin.

"Let me guess, Dr. Park declined another surgery?" the boy asked, looking up at Jungkook in disbelief.

"You got me there. What did you need?"

"Just wanted to know if you needed a ride to the dinner tonight," Jimin said, looking at Jungkook who stared back with a look of utter confusion.

"The dinner for the Cardiology Department?" Jungkook stared back, not understanding what Jimin was getting at.

"Oh my god, the dinner for the man that's being hired? The man that you might work under? Does that ring a bell?" Jimin asked, practically fuming at Jungkook's density.

"Oh, right. Yeah, I need a ride to that."

"Okay, thank you. That's literally all I was asking. Now, bitch move I have better things to do than listen to your dumbass," Jimin said before scurrying off in some random direction further into the hospital.

"Love you too, Jimin!" Jungkook called out before heading to his office, a sigh of relief escaping his lips when he realized that the other employees weren't there.

He sat down in his chair and opened his computer, looking through some files and preparing for his surgery tomorrow. Nothing would go wrong, after all, this patient was a low-risk surgery.

For the rest of the day, he busied himself with paperwork, immersing himself into the world of filing and only looked up when Jimin knocked on his office door and motioned for him to walk out.


Jimin parked his car in the parking lot, turned off the engine, and waltzed into the restaurant with Jungkook in tow. Jimin saw a group of doctors and nurses he recognized and joined the group, completely ditching Jungkook in the entrance to the restaurant.

Jungkook, not being very familiar with any of the staff, waited around, standing close to Jimin but not conversing with anyone the way everyone else was.

Part of him wished he could talk to the staff the way Jimin did, but he knew it wouldn't happen. The staff thought he was rude and immature, bratty and ambitious even. There was no way that someone like him, even with all the things he had accomplished at such a young age, was going to—

Someone tapped his shoulder.

He turned around and was greeted with the sight of a very attractive man who looked around his age. He was taller than Jungkook and had dark hair that lightly fell over his tan skin.

He looked oddly familiar.

"Sorry, I didn't think you heard me the first time. Are you here for the hospital dinner?" he asked, voice deep and smooth.

"Yes, I am, um... why?" Jungkook responded, a little confused because he had never seen this man before.

"Oh, good! What department do you work in?"

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, not wanting to bother anymore with the strange man in front of him. "Why does it concern you?" Jungkook asked, cringing internally when the words came out of his mouth harsher than he had expected.

The dark-haired man looked a little shocked at Jungkook's sudden outburst. "I just, uh... wanted to get to know some people. I was hired for a position so I thought it would be good to introduce myself, y'know?"

Jungkook looked back at the man in disbelief. He couldn't believe someone like him was just able to act like he was better than everyone like that.

Jungkook hummed along and returned his attention to the crowd of doctors and nurses in front of him. He felt anger bubbling inside of him and inhaled deeply, trying to ignore the fact that this man was still standing next to him.

"Kim Taehyung?" someone asked, causing Jungkook to turn and look at the man next to him. One of the nurses ran up to the man—Kim Taehyung—and bowed down at almost a perfect 90 degree angle.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at the two, seeing Taehyung smile and bow down slightly to the nurse in front of him.

"I'm Jung Hoseok, nice to meet you. Thought it would be good to introduce myself to the new cardiothoracic surgeon, considering today's all about you anyways," Hoseok laughed, grinning widely and almost shining.

Jungkook's jaw dropped. New surgeon? He had just acted like the biggest asshole—no, biggest brat of the century in front of his new boss?!

"Nice to meet you too, Hoseok," Taehyung greeted, chuckling—probably at Jungkook—and continuing to have a decent conversation with the nurse.

"Oh, have you met Jungkook yet?" Hoseok asked, shifting the two's attention to the sour Jungkook. Jungkook felt his heart drop and hoped that Taehyung wouldn't turn the situation into a bigger deal.

"That's who this is? Nice to properly meet you, Jungkook." Taehyung said, bowing his head lightly and looking at the now flushing Jungkook.

"Jungkookie here works in the Cardiology Department," Hoseok said, only adding to the fiery rage and embarrassment that currently was Jeon Jungkook.

"Really? I guess we'll be seeing each other around a lot more, Jungkookie."

Jungkook had really fucked up this time.


a/n: apparently wattpad deleted this book for like a day

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