𝟐 : 𝐀𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀 (rewriting)

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the main artery of the body, supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system. In humans it passes over the heart from the left ventricle and runs down in front of the backbone


<surgery warning>



Jungkook looked up from his position in the operating room, immediately handing Chanyeol the scalpel and watching him cut cleanly through the patient's skin, drawing a bit of blood but wiping it away quickly. Chanyeol handed the scalpel back to Jungkook and watched him put it on the tray beside the patient.


Jungkook picked up the saw—an oscillating saw, to be exact, because Jungkook was so immersed in the world of cardiology terms—and checked to make sure everything was in place, before handing it to Chanyeol.

The saw whirred to life and Chanyeol cut cleanly through the patient's sternum and handed the saw back to Jungkook.


Jungkook grabbed the retractor and saw how Chanyeol held the patient's chest open. He placed the retractor in the patient's chest and moved away but still held onto the retractor, giving Chanyeol space to work.

Chanyeol began to work quickly and efficiently, performing surgery on the patient's heart as if it was nothing. He made it look so simple and only occasionally asked Jungkook to hand him different tools.

Jungkook looked around the room, hearing the even beating of the patient's heart over the monitors. Everyone was waiting patiently while Chanyeol performed the surgery, leaving them to their own devices.

But something, or someone, caught Jungkook's eye.

He looked up and saw the chairman of the hospital speaking with a man who he had never seen before. But from afar, the man looked hot.

The man couldn't have been much older than any Jungkook, maybe one or two years because damn he looked young. He had dark brown hair and lightly tanned skin, contrasting significantly to the pale-skinned employees in the hospital. He was dressed in a black suit and nice tie, and just by the way he stood, Jungkook could tell that this man was more than confident with himself.

"Dr. Park, do you know who that man is?" Jungkook asked, causing Chanyeol to look up from his work on the patient and glance at the observing room. Chanyeol sighed before shaking his head slightly and focusing all his attention on the patient.

"Is he the new surgeon?" Jungkook asked again, making Chanyeol let out a loud groan of frustration and stare the boy down directly.

"Jungkook, please stop talking," one of the members of the surgical team said—probably the anesthesiologist, but Jungkook wasn't really paying attention. Jungkook nodded somberly and let Chanyeol continue without any interruptions, but kept staring at the mysterious man.

The man and the chairman seemed to be talking, but about what was Jungkook's question. He tried making out a few words, catching things like "and" or "the", but he wasn't able to read lips and just stared awkwardly at the two.

"Scalpel, Jungkook." Chanyeol said, snapping Jungkook out of his daze. "What's wrong? I never have to repeat myself around you." Chanyeol asked, taking hold of the scalpel. Jungkook only brushed his question off and glanced between the patient and the man in the observing room.

"Jungkook, please focus," Chanyeol said, beginning to completely ignore the oblivious Jungkook and work on his own.

"M-My bad, Dr. Park," Jungkook mumbled, getting focused again and putting more effort into staying involved in the surgery. But he couldn't help but glance up at the man who was now watching the surgery, quite intently.

Was he a relative of the patient? That was a possibility, but why would a relative want to watch a surgery so intently? Was he studying to become a surgeon?

Or, perhaps, was he the surgeon who the hospital was trying to hire? But they wouldn't have found someone that quickly, would they?

"I'm assuming you've got it under control here, Jungkook?" Chanyeol asked. Jungkook looked down at the patient, seeing the sternum put back together. All that was left was for him to stitch the patient's chest back together.

Jungkook nodded and began to work quickly, seeing Chanyeol cleaning up and ushering himself out of the room. Jungkook grabbed the sutures and worked efficiently, but stopped when he looked up and saw the man from earlier staring directly at him.

Jungkook felt creeped out but nonetheless continued with his job. He looked up at the clock in the operation room and saw how long the surgery had taken; three hours.

Three hours. The man was waiting in the operating room, just watching them for three whole hours? There definitely had to be something more to this man than just a relative.

Jungkook finished with his sutures, checking everything one last time before nodding to the surgical technician and anesthesiologist. He watched as they rolled the patient out and he followed in suit, glancing up at the man one last time, seeing how the man was only staring back at him.

As they wheeled the patient out to the recovery room, Jungkook walked in deep thought. Why was the man looking at him, specifically? Wouldn't he be more concerned about Chanyeol?

The patient was situated in the recovery room and the nurses began to hook him up to different monitors. Jungkook stood back and watched as everything happened, his mind still wandering back to the man from before.

But more importantly, was that man the new cardiothoracic surgeon?


a/n: i don't even know if i accurately described a surgery

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