Chapter 13: A Wish for a ...

Start from the beginning

Looks like I got a little more waiting to do for my present but I got to give thanks where thanks is needed. "Thanks for the surprise Bradley! Ive never had something like this before! It really is a moment I'm going to remember for a while!"

Bradley's whole face turned red and he scratched the back of his head. "Don't get the wrong idea. I just wanted to do something for the office and it just so happens it was on your birthday."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay but you knew it would be my birthday today. So why wouldn't you just scheduler a day later?" I questioned.

Bradley just shook his head and walked over to a table with sodas and juice muttering "You're such an idiot man."

I just sighed and muttered under my breath, "Hot and cold as usual. You've always been like that since elementary with me." I felt a hand on my shoulder and found Boop rubbing it softly.

"You already know how he is," she gave me a soft smile. I nodded my head in agreement. I always forget the Boop has the creepy ability to know what I'm thinking about.

Maybe it's fate's design that we are star crossed lovers made specifically for each other! I internally laugh at my stupid idea. It's still a nice thought though.

An awkward cough caught the attention of all. "So...." a coworker drew out. Boop laughed before shouting," WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING!? THIS IS MY BEST FRIENDS PARTY! LETS GET THIS GOING!" Right on cue the music started playing and the colorful lights began flashing as the entire yard became animated.

People were dancing, laughing, singing, drinking, eating, the whole shebang. It was like party of the year worthy. I enjoyed it as much as everyone else did, even if they were paid to be here.

I was teased a lot during the whole thing like people still calling me wedgie boy or get ready for my birthday wedgie, but they never acted on it. I was really embarrassed when it was time to cut my cake. I don't know who made it but I have to give them props on the detail.

It was a guy on the floor, in a suit, with his underwear over his head. The cheeks were even raised up pieces of cake to make it more realistic. We were all laughing, and yes all of us including me. It was too good for me to not try it.

The tighty whities portion was vanilla and the cheeks were chocolate. Even though I was embarrassed to admit it, I told everyone it tasted amazing. Again, earning more laughs.

Throughout the party, I noticed that Bradley was missing. The one whose tormented me the most caught my attention the most. I didn't really think much of it and just continued mingling with the others. That was until I felt someone grab my hand and pull me away.

"Hey come on. I want to show you my birthday present now." It was Boop. I had already open all of my presents from everyone. They ranged from really stretchy underwear to a Pikachu toy holding an apple, which was kinda weird. The only person left was Becky.

"Boop, we can't just leave. I'm the man of the night." Boop continued pulling me away from the party and into the woods. We were following a stone path.

"They're adults, Regerick. I'm sure they won't kill themselves if we leave for a few." She said it  in her sarcastic voice. I love hearing her sarcasm. Then again, I love her.

We continue down the path turning every so often before she got behind me and put her hands over my eyes. She guided me forward. "Gotta keep it a surprise. You might see it from here." She explains.

"It must be big if you don't want me to see is from this far away." I chuckled. She laughed back at me. "Oh you have no idea."

What felt like forever, she finally stopped me. I could feel that I was standing on grass under my shoes. I could also hear running water in front of me. "Happy birthday Reggie." She removed her hands and I opened my eyes to the amazing sight before me.

It was beautiful forest opening. There was a small pool of water that was practically glowing blue. There were vines all over the trees circling the areas a giant rock that had water flowing over the sides with moss all along it.

The air was so fresh and cool that my sinuses cleared up immediately. And to top it off, none of the trees obscured the starry night sky and the moon was perfect view. "This...this is unreal. This is amazing. This is for me?" Boop simply nodded her head.

"It took about six months from January to get it all done." She started. "Of course, the rock and vines are a bit artificial but everything else is totally natural. The pool has microorganisms in it to give it that glow and the position of the trees along with the water fall the rock produces creates a natural air conditioner. The vines a strategically placed to filter out allergens." She smiled to herself.

"This is made all for you. I hope you like it." She tucked a hair behind her ear.

"I love it." I walked to the pool. It really was a glowing blue and it still reflected the moon perfectly. I fell back on the the grass and looked up at the sky. It was so soft. Like, bed mattress soft. Boop came down and joined me.

We just laid in silence, taking in everything the night had to offer. I felt her fingers lace with mine. Our eyes met and we stared at each other for a bit.

She smiled before asking me, "So birthday boy. What did you wish for?" I smiled back at her. "You know I can't tell you. It won't come true if I tell you." She playful scoffed.

"Oh come on. You don't actually believe do you?" She question. I shook my head, "No, but I'd rather not risk it and have it not come true."

She smirked at me. "Hmm, let me see if I can guess." She didn't say anymore words but rather met my lips with hers. This caught me way off guard.

Our lips began moving together as I deepened the kiss. She rolled over on top of me as we passionately made out. It's like our lips were made for each other as they fit perfectly. This was my first kiss ever and it was getting really hot.

She broke the kiss and looked at me smiling. I probably looked ridiculously at being caught so off guard. I could actually feel that my eyes were dilated. "Something tells me that I was right wasn't I?" She bit her lip.

I only nodded my with my mouth open. She giggled and rolled off of me. Good thing to because mini me was wanting to come out and play too. My breathing was heavy and I could tell that she was slightly out of breath too.

We were both, again, laid there looking at the sky when we saw something fly across the starry field. "Oooh! Shooting star! You get to make two wishes in one day, lucky birthday boy. And this time you get the tell me." Boop smiles.

I looked at her before chuckling. "Okay, Okay. I wish...hmmm. I wish for my next kiss to be just as spectacular as my first."

Boop sat up with a red face and gasped. "Was i your first?!" I smiled at her and nodded. "Yep, never kissed a girl until you."

She dived into me and hugged me. "You were my first too. I was so nervous to do it but now I'm glad I did." She whispered into my ear.

All I could was smile. As I hugged her back. That's one wish down. Just need to wait for the next.

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