16. The Aquarium

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"Mum, what are you doing here?"

"I forgot my purse. I'll be on my way out. I left some money on the counter so the three of you can go out this weekend."

"Anne, you really didn't need to. I'm fine with staying in." Louis smiles at her.

"Nonsense. Have fun you two, but not in front of the baby, yeah?" Both boys grown and Anne leaves with a laugh after grabbing her purse.


"Louuuu. Wake up." He gets a groan in response. "Baby. Princess. Doll. Lovely. Sweets. Lewis. Smol bean."

"'M not small Harry."

"How much you wanna bet?"

"If I'm over 5'7, I win. I'm a big boyo." Harry jumps up and runs out of the room, grabbing a tape measure. When he gets back, he pulls the covers off of Louis. "Hey, you dick. I'm cold."

"It's measuring time, my smol bean."

"Hazzy. I'm a big bean. You're just giant." The boy pouts. Harry pulls the boy out of bed.

"Stand against this wall, darling." Louis does as told. Harry slips the metal piece of the tape measure under Louis' toe to hold it in place. He pulls the tape up and looks at the numbers. 5'6. He is about to gloat but then he sees the pout on his lover's face.

"You're... 5'9. You win." A little white lie won't hurt. Let the boy dream?

"Ha! I knew it you wanker! I'm big. Now you can give it a rest. I'm big." Louis smiles and boops Harry on the nose. He wraps his arms around the shorter one's waist and nuzzles his nose in his feathery hair.

"Yes you are, love. My big baby." Harry smiles into the boys hair. "Now, time to start our wonderful day in the town."

"What's got you so chipper? Early bird gets a wood on?" He makes a pop sound with his mouth.

"Naughty boy. I'm happy because we aren't in Doncaster. We are in Holmes Chapel now." Louis looks confused. Harry grabs his face and puts it closer to his, smiling, "We don't have to hide or worry about anyone seeing us for a whole weekend, baby." They both smile and Harry pecks the boy's lips. "Let's get dressed and head out. I'll get Darcy." They go their separate ways. Once they are ready to leave, Louis takes in Harry's appearance.

"Is that poor child strapped to your chest?"

"It's a babypack. Get it? Instead of backpack?"

"Oh my God. Let's go." They head to the car. Harry opens the door for Louis then straps the baby in. "So, where are we going?"

"There a place that I used to love when I was a kid. It's in Ellesmere Port so it's almost a 45 minute drive. Mum left a diaper bag in Darcy's nursery, I put everything we will need in it."

"What will we do there?"

"You'll see."


They arrive in Ellesmere Port and Harry pulls over. He pulls a blindfold out of his pocket and hands it to Louis. "Put this on."

"No way."

"Please, princess?" Louis rolls his eyes and puts it on. Harry continues to drive. They arrive at Blue Planet Aquarium a few minutes later. "You ready?"

"Been ready." Harry gets the baby then Louis. He walks him closer to the front and puts his mouth to his ear.

"Remember how you said you've always wanted to go to an aquarium for a date?" He pulls the blindfold off. Louis smiles and gives the man a big hug. They walk in and Harry pays, starting their adventure. First, they walk into a tunnel where sharks and fish swim all around you.

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