9. The First Date

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Harry has been pushing Louis on the swing for a few minutes. He loves every smile that reaches Louis' eyes. He loves the way they crinkle and the way his face shines like the brightest star in the sky. He loves the boys little giggles anytime Harry would push him too high or too fast, fearing he was going to fall but also knowing he was safe in Harry's hands. Harry is taking a big step today. He glances at his phone to check the time. Perfect for dinner. "Louis?"


"Are you hungry?"

"Usually." He smiles.

"Alright. We are going somewhere. C'mon, baby blue." He smiles down at the boy. Louis gets nervous so he gets an idea.

"Yes, under one condition." Louis smirks.

"I'm intrigued."

"I want to..." He plays with his fingers and looks down.


"I want to suck your dick." He holds a straight face but then begins laughing.

"Excuse me?"

"Just kidding."

"Oh my God. You are filthy, Louis."

"Only for you, Hazzie." He winks after saying, "my offer from earlier still stands."

"I'll think about it. We need to get food in you before anything else," he smirks back. Louis blushes and can't find a flirty comeback, damn why is Harry so good?

They get in the car and Harry begins driving. He seems to have a place in mind. The arrive at a restaurant and Louis stands in awe as he enters.

"Hello, welcome to Gloria. Table for two?"

"Yes, please." He gestures for Louis to walk in front of him. As Louis walks by, Harry slaps his ass earning a yelp from Louis. He turns red as per usual. The farther they go into the restaurant, the more beautiful it gets. Louis knows this won't be cheap. Why did Harry choose this place?

Once they get to the table, Harry pulls the chair out for Louis. "Thank you."

They pick up their menus and scan their options. "Have anything in mind?"

"Mhmm. I think I want 'Fillippo's Big Balls' in my mouth. So good, dripping with sauce." Louis licks his lips in a sexual manner.

"Sounds about right. You're filthy." Harry laughs. Louis sees the waitress heading their way and 'accidentally drops his spoon in the floor. She smiles, setting down their drinks. While she is distracted, Louis is preparing for his mischievous plan. "What would you like to order?"

*****slight smut*****
"I'll take the-" Harry groans as he feels Louis grab his crotch, "fuck, I mean-"

"Excuse me?" the waitress says with a shocked face. Louis gets back in his seat with the cheekiest smile.

"Sorry. I dropped me spoon. I'll take 'Filippo's Big Balls,' please."

"I'll have the 'Smoked Straciatella,' ma'am. Thank you." He smiles shyly and looks at Louis with a dark glare. "You, come with me. Now."

"What about our food."

"Unless they're miracle workers, it'll take another thirty minutes. Come." Harry grabs Louis by the hand and drags him towards the restroom. He locks the door behind them before slamming Louis against it. He looks Harry in the eye but before he can say anything, he feels plump lips against his thin ones. Harry slides his tongue over Louis' bottom lip, demanding entrance. Louis complies happily and wraps his hands around the taller lad's neck, tangling his hands in his long curls. He feels Harry's hands slide down his back and to his ass. He pats them as a way to tell Louis to jump. He wraps his legs around Harry's waist and gets pushed against the bathroom counter. Their tongues are sliding together along with hot breaths exiting their mouths. Harry moves one of his hands to Louis crotch. He feels him hardening against his skinnies and smirks at how easy it is to get the boy riled up. He gropes firmly and Louis moans into his mouth. Jesus, I could listen to that forever. He squeezes the boy again roughly while biting his lip, recieving another noise that he wanted so badly. Harry then backs away and takes in Louis' wrecked appearance.

"Harry, come back for fuck sake," Louis whined.

"This is your punishment for trying to play your little games. I might take care of you later. Now, get up. We are going back to the table. Don't want to risk our food getting cold, do we?" He proceeds to kiss the boy on the forehead and grab his hand, leading him out of the restroom and back to their table.


They sit back down at the table and Louis is clearly frustrated. Harry just gives him an innocent smile. "So you have to go home tomorrow?"

"Unfortunately." He sighs then realizes what he said," Y'know because my house is boring and all." He tries to avoid embarrassment.

"It is unfortunate. I rather like having you around if I'm honest." Harry shrugs as if it's normal to love having a student sleep in your bed while you hold each other and talk about life.

"I like being around. At home, it's just... lonely. I mean, yeah, I have five sisters, a brother, and dad but since mum passed, it's different. There are less smiles and happiness. No one talks as much as they used to. Even when she was sick, we were happy being around her."

"I know how that feels. I have mum and Gemma but after Robin died, the atmosphere became gloomy. Robin was my step-dad. I considered him my real dad because he was always there. More than Des ever was. The hardest part is watching them slowly become less... them." Harry looks down at his hands, only now noticing that they are entertained with Louis's atop the table.

"Yeah. Mum was all laughs and smiles. She could brighten anyone's day. I walked into the house and she gave me a big hug every afternoon. Eventually, she got too weak to greet me at the door. I had to greet her in her bed. Every day there was a little less light in her eyes. She became too weak to care for herself. She felt like she was losing her dignity. I remember the day she gave up. She said she loved me, loved all of us. I held her hand and watched the life drain from her eyes. She was there physically, but her soul went to heaven. I felt her leave. We still took care of her, hoping she would come back. Her heart beat, her lungs pumped air, but she stopped talking. Stopped smiling. That was my mum's body, but it wasn't my mum anymore." He broke down on the last word. Harry stood up and kneeled by the boy, holding him as he sobbed. "Now everyone is looking. Fuck."

"Hey, Loubear. It's okay. You can cry, baby. Fuck everyone else. I've got you. I'll take care of you as long as you need me to. Losing people is hard. I remember seeing you change. That's when I knew that you needed a break from the team. No one in their right mind would let you leave the team, but I knew you needed it. You're so strong. You came back so soon and I couldn't have been happier. My Tommo was still as good as ever on the fields. Strongest boy I know. Best arse too." Louis giggled and smiled at Harry.

"Thank you, Haz. I'm glad to have you." I love you.

"I'm glad to have you too." I love you. If only either of them were brave enough to say it.


Well that came from a place. Sorry for the sad stuff. I'll update soon. Probably tomorrow. They'll still be at the restaurant. Also, smut smut smut next chapter. Is it too soon?

Bye, my beautiful bitches.

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