15. The Baby

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The next morning, Niall dropped Louis off at Harry's house since the news was out. Once Louis walks in, he sees Harry running around with bags. He was dressed messily, in a grey shirt and black sweats. He over heard the conversation. "So Gems is out of town?... I mean, yeah I guess.... I'll have to pack. How long? ...So I'll be be back Sunday night?.... Alright. Why is it so urgent?.... Is he okay?... Good. Tell him I love him.... Yeah. I love you too. Bye mum."

"What was that about?"

Harry jumped, startled at Louis' arrival. "Fuck! Oh hi. Um, that was my mum. My uncle Mike is sick and is in the hospital. She needs a baby sitter for my baby sister, Darcy. Gemma is out of town and she didn't have anyone else."

"Oh. Is he okay?"

"Yeah. They are just running some tests. They don't want to put the baby at risk though. She is a newborn."

"I didn't know you had a younger sister. I've heard about Gemma but not Darcy."

"Mum just had her. Since Robin died and Gem and I moved, mum got lonely so she got a donor and decided to have a baby before she is too old. The pregnancy was a little rough due to her age but the baby is here and she is healthy."

"That's good."

"It is." He smiled. "Well, we've got to head out. I packed your bag, it's in the car."

"You want me to come?"

"Oh.. well I just um, kind of assumed- like you don't have to, I just thought-"

"Hey, I want to come. Thank you."

"Don't thank me, Lou. I didn't even think of you not coming." Louis grinned from ear to ear.


They arrive at Anne's house and Harry greets his mum with a huge hug. "Hazzyboo! I missed my baby boy so much." Harry hugged her back, not even embarrassed by the names. He is a mummy's boy. Louis observes with a smile.

"Mum, this is my- um Louis." He scratches the back of his neck.

"Your Louis?" Anne laughs, "Hi Louis. I'm guessing you're the boyfriend Harry always talks about." Both boys blush, "I'm Harry's mum. You can call me Anne. You look so young." She pinched his cheeks.

"Hi, Anne. I'm 18 actually. You look young as well." She glanced towards Harry. They'll have to talk about this later.

"Awe, darling. Don't flatter me. You can head inside, make yourself comfortable. I'm going to have a word with Harry if you don't mind." Louis smiles and walks into the house. "Harry, is he your student?"

"Well, I'm not exactly a teacher but he is on my footie team."

"Are you involved?"


"Are you having sex?"

"Jesus, mum. No, well, I mean-"

"Just use protection. He looks like a carrier."

"I didn't even think of that." Pictures of a pregnant Louis flashed through his brain. He smiles the biggest he has in a long time.

"You really like him don't you?" Harry nods. "well it's only a 4 year difference. I approve, just be careful."

"I know, mum. I'll let you leave. I love you. See you, Sunday." He gave her a kiss on the cheek and she left. Harry walks into the house and puts his and Louis' stuff into his childhood room. He then goes to check on Darcy and is unknowingly followed by the shorter lad. She is awake in her crib, whining. He picks her up and she whines a little more. Harry softly speaks, "Hey, baby. What's wrong, darling?" He bounces her lightly, shushing her. "You're alright, doll. Probably just a little hungry, yeah?" Louis thinks this is the most adorable thing he has ever seen. Harry turns around to go to the kitchen and make her a bottle, stopping when he sees Louis. "You wanna hold her? I've got to make a bottle." Louis holds his arms out and carefully takes the child, pausing when he sees that she has a fistful of Harry's long curls in her hand.

"Uh oh, love. Be careful. Don't wanna hurt bubby, do we?" He takes her hand gently as he watches Harry put his hair in a bun. "I love your bunned hair."

"I love your buns."

"Jesus, you perv. There is a child." Harry shrugs it off and makes the bottle. He sits down and Louis hands him the baby, feeding her until she is full. He then burps her and sets the bottle to the side. She gives a big yawn and Harry smiles, going to lay her in her crib. He takes his hair down and changes into a black shirt since the baby messed on his. Once he gets back, Louis says, "you're going to be a good father one day." He glances at the boy and smiles.

"Well, our kids will have the best mummy."

"Our?" Louis questions. He likes the sound of that.

Harry begins to stutter. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't even think. You may- um might not even see a future with m- for us. Hell you might not even be able to carry. Shit I'm a dumba-"

"Harry, babe. Calm down. What's got you so worked up today?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Since I am your 'boyfriend,'" He smirks and Harry blushes for the second time that day, "I do see a future for us." He smiles and kisses Harry's cheek. "I can carry, by the way," he whispers. The curly boy lights up.

"Really?!" He steps closer to Louis, with excitement written all over his face. The boy didn't expect him to be so happy about it.

Louis starts to tear up when he says, "Yeah, I'm a carrier, Haz." Harry attacks him with a hug, picking him up and spinning him in the air. He places little pecks all over Louis' face Anne walks in because she forgot her purse but once she sees the sight in front of her, she stops and smiles at the them, snapping a picture of the moment.


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Sooooo I know Anne doesn't have another daughter but I decided to write this because I thought it was cute. Opinions?

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