14. The Phone Call

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After the student/staff dance, Louis and Niall hadn't left each other's sides. "Hey. You wanna hang out at mine tonight?"

"Yes! It's been too long. I'll have to get my stuff from Ha- um home."

"Alright. I can drive you, mate."

"'s alright, NiNi. I've already got a ride home." He gives him a dopey smile, still tipsy from the spiked punch. "Plus I need a shower anyway."

"Okay. See ya soon, bud."

Hey. Can we go home?

Harry sees the text and skims the room until he spots the boy. Niall is leaving so that explains why he is ready to leave.

Sure, princess.

Edit contact name:

That's better.

Let me inform the principal that I'm leaving.

Harry soon finds his boss and tells him that he needs to get home. On his way out, he slyly taps Louis' shoulder so no one will notice that they're leaving together. Louis looks around and sees Harry passing by. He follows shortly after. As he stumbles to the car, he spots Harry inside already. "Hey, Harold?"

"Yes, Lewis?"

"Are you mad at me?"

"Course not, darling. You just need to be more careful. Why'd you want to leave so early?"

"I want to stay at Niall's if that's okay."

"You don't have to ask, love. You're an adult."

"Okay. Th-thank you," he hiccups. Harry starts the car and they start driving and soon arrive at his house. "I'mma take a shower before I go to Ni's."

"Alright. Don't fall. Wouldn't want to take you to the hospital while you're intoxicated." Louis giggles at his remark. Harry decides to pack a bag for Louis, considering he would probably forget half of his stuff. He packs an outfit, pajamas, boxers, a charger, and other necessities. After, he lays some clothes, nicely folded at the end of the bed for when Louis gets out. He decides to grab a glass of water for the boy as well, hoping to sober him up a bit before he leaves. Once he gets to the room, he hears muffled singing. He walks closer to the bathroom and hears an angelic, raspy voice. If he records it and saves it in an album titled 'Lou,' nobody has to know. Louis walks out of the bathroom completely naked and looks at Harry.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're naked."

"And?" Louis laughs and sees his stuff ready. He smiles and grabs his pre-prepared outfit. "Boxers?"

"Niall doesn't need a show. I'm sure he won't mind."

"Awe, is Hazzy jealous?"

"No, never." Louis gets dressed and wraps his arms around the man's waist, snuggling his head into his chest. "Okay, maybe a little."

"Thank you for taking care of me."

"No need to thank me. I like to. Makes me feel important."

"You're always important." Harry smiles. "Hey, H?" The man hums. "What are we, exactly? Like I mean- I-I don't expect a relat- well, I'm slightly confused as to-" Harry cuts him off with a kiss.

"What do you want us to be?"

"I don't know."

"I'll tell you what, why don't you go have fun at Niall's and we can have this conversation when you're sober. How's that sound, princess?"

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