8. The Lost Boy

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Harry woke up to a beautiful boy snoring on top of him. He kissed his forehead and slowly got up. He decided he might as well make today useful so he has something planned. He goes to his closet to find a suit. "Ah. Perfect." He smiles to himself. He sets it aside and hops in the shower. After a few minutes, he gets out and dries off, wrapping the towel around his waist once finished. He heads over to the bed and lays down next to Louis. He props himself up on his elbow and strokes the boys face. "Princess, wake up. We've got places to be." Louis groans in annoyance, only opening his eyes when he feels wet hair on his face.

"What the fuck, Harold. Why are you wet?" He flicks the hair back into Harry's face.

"Well good morning to you too, sunshine." Louis looks the man over and sees nothing but a towel.

"Are you naked?"

"No. I have a towel."

"You're naked. Towels don't count. You're lucky you're handsome, cunt."

"Language, Lewis. I will spank you with no hesitation."

"Hmmm. Is that a promise, daddy?"

"Don't tempt me. Get up and get dressed."

"Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise," he says then drops his towel to the floor without a care in the world. Louis' eyes widen and he can't help but to stare at the very naked man in front of him.

"If it's as good as a surprise as this," he waves his hand toward Harry's naked body, "then I'm ready."

"Just get dressed. You might see more of this later."

Louis gets up and grabs one of Harry's plain t-shirts and a pair of skinnies. When he turns around, Harry is full dressed in a suit and he looks absolutely stunning. "Woah. Do I need to dress better?"

"No, love. You look beautiful as always. You might want a jacket though."

"Eh. I'll be fine."

"Mhmm. Let's go. It's a long drive." Harry offers his hand to the small boy. He stands in shock for a moment but soon grabs it. He doesn't know quite what their relationship is, but he is happy. He doesn't want to go home tomorrow. They walk to the car hand in hand and Harry opens the door for him.

"Thank you." He smiles down at his hands once he is in the car. They begin driving and Louis get bored. "Where are we going?"

"Clap clap clap!"

"Was that a Dora reference?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"You're a manchild."

"You enjoy my inner child."

"Whatever floats your boat, Haz. Anyway, where?"

"Somewhere over the rainbow."

"Oh my God. Can you at least tell me the city?"

"We are going to East London."

"That's more than 3 hours away!"

"I know, but this is important."

"Okayyyy. I'm hungry though." He rubs his tummy

"Well what would you like to eat, baby?"

He blushes at the pet name and says,"well Niall is crazy about this place called Nandos. Why not try it?"

"Alrighty. To Nandos!" He yelled enthusiastically. Louis giggled in response.


About three hours later, they arrive to East London. It's too early to go where Harry had in mind so he decides to just goof around. He looks over at Louis and sees him curled up in his seat fast asleep. "Loubear. Wake up, doll." Louis opens his eyes.

"Are we there yet?"

"Well we have some time to kill so how about we just walk around for a bit? There is a cute little park and we can get ice cream on the way."

"You had me at ice cream."

Harry unlocks the door and Louis reaches for it only for it to be locked again. "What the hell?"

"Stay there." Harry walks around and opens Louis' door for him.

"What a gentleman. Thank you, Harry." He gets on his tippy toes and kisses Harry's cheek.

"Anything for you, princess." Harry grabs Louis' hand and they walk to the little ice cream shack. "What do you want, love?"

"Two scoops of strawberry, please."

Harry looks at the man in the window, "Two double scooped ice cream cones, please. One strawberry and one pistachio." He smiles at the man and pays once he gets the sweets. Him and Louis turn around when they hear a little voice.

"Can I have vaniwa, pwease?" The child holds up a leaf with hope in his eyes. The worker looks at the leaf but before he can say anything, Harry walks over and gives the man money. He doesn't want the boys dreams to be crushed. "Fank you!"

"He says it like you, Lou!"

"Hey! Rude ass." Harry walks up to the little boy.

"Where is your mummy, sweetie?"

"I dunno. I can't find 'er so I got ice cweam. I payed aw by m'self."

"I saw that, buddy. Good job." He high fives the boy as Louis watches in awe. He thinks he is in love. Harry is so good with kids. "Why don't we help you find mummy, yeah?" He makes grabby hands at the boy.

"Otay." He smiles.

Louis decideds to speak. "What's your name cutie? I'm Louis, this is Harry."

"Hi Hawwy. Hi Wouis. 'M Finn. Wouis is pwetty."

"He is, isn't he? Just the prettiest princess of them all." Louis blushes a bright red. All he can imagine is a future like this. Married with a beautiful baby boy. Happy days walking in the park with his perfect family.

"Finn?! Finn, my baby. Oh God. I'm so sorry. I thought I lost you!" A crying woman says as she runs up. "Are you okay, baby?"

"Yes, mummy. This is pwincess Wouis and his pwince Hawwy!"

She smiles at the men. "Thank you so much. C'mere, love." She takes her son and hugs the two men. "Say bye bye, baby."

"Bye bye!"

"He was cute."

"Not as cute as you, princess Louis." He boops his nose. "Wanna swing? I'll push you."

"What? No. Of course not. Maybe. A little? Okay fine. You can push me."

"Alright, doll. Lead the way."


Did y'all see Harry at the Met Gala?! Holy shit. He is bottoming hard tonight.

See you next chapter, my beautiful bitches.

P.s. smut warning next chapter?????

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