[21]-the truth

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"so it is true" laura said standing in the doorway. how long had she been standing there? did she see us kiss?
"laur it's not what it looks like"I try to explain.
"no i know exactly what it looks like. you guys didn't want me to know about u so when Will found out you told him to lie to me and take the blame himself"she ranted. how could she think that?
"Laura no that's not what happened" I spoke. I was tearing up and it guess it was obvious in my voice because the mike stepped in.
"ok listen here. I don't know what kind of jerks you think we are to make up that little story of yours but that's not what happened" mike explained.
"oh then PLEASE tell me what really happened" Laura yelled. Mike told her exactly what happened and that it was all truly a misunderstanding, but Laura didn't buy any of it.
"I DIDNT BUT AFTER THIS..." he replied
"oh WOW very mature" she said. I've had enough of this but I was too shaken up to do anything. I guess Ben has heard the yelling so he came up to the dressing room. he didn't interrupt Laura and Mike's argument since he wasn't one for confrontation but, he took my hand and pulled me out closing the door behind me. he then led me to the staircase and sat down with me.
"it's ok Y/N. Just breathe" Ben said while rubbing my back.
"Ben im fine"I replied shakily. It was happening again. the shakey breath. the sweaty hands. the cold chill. I thought this only happened with surprise parties.
"you're just having a anxiety attack.  it will be ok. this will end"he said which only made it worse.
"anxiety? I don't have anxiety!"I started
"shhh it's ok" he cut me off. we sat there for a few minutes in a comfortable silence. once the an- whatever that was was over, we got up and walked outside. Ben let me stay in the guest room at his apartment. It was quite comforting. the next morning, I woke up to a million different text messages and calls, but one in particular caught my eye.
Laura: can we talk?

authors note: thank you for reading!! summer is officially here and I'll be changing my posting schedule once I figure out the details! posts will be more frequent!! also, just a little heads up in about 3 weeks I'll be going on vacation and won't update that week. sorry :( - anon.

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