[11]- the party

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GUYS!! I am so sorry for forgetting to post a new chapter yesterday. I've been so busy with testing but this is the last week so hopefully I can keep up from now on! enjoy-author :)

Mike POV

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I can't believe this is happening right now. this went from a terrible day to the best day ever in a matter of seconds.
"well um" mike said pulling away, red in the face.
"how about we just, talk about this later. I might as well try to enjoy the party" I said trying to keep my cool the best I could.
"are you sure? you don't have to" mike said with concerned eyes staring at mine.
"no it's fine.  let's go" i said pulling him into the party. It was decorated in all my favorite colours. my favorite foods and deserts in buffet form. my favorite songs playing over the speakers. For someone who doesn't like birthday parties, this is the best birthday party ever. it's also the best birthday party ever, in general.
"what do you think?" Laura asked enthusiastically.
"me and mike did the whole thing just for you" she said before being cut off by Will.
"uM Excuse me I brought the fruit tray in from your car into the blue room. That should count for some sort of appreciation" will argued with a sassy tone.
"sorry" Laura laughed. we all danced and partied together for the rest of the night. it was awesome. mike was eyeing me the whole night and every time it happened my heart still fluttered. I just wanna know, did that kiss mean anything to him? does he feel the same way? could we be something? I'm probably over thinking it, or I'm probably wasted, or both. well I definitely was wasted because mike had to walk me home to my apartment because I couldn't remember how to get there. as I opened the door to go inside and crash for the night I heard a anxious voice

authors note: ahh sorry not sorry  for another cliffhanger lmao. this is the last week of testing so I should be back on schedule soon! sorry for being so hectic. also thank you for all the nice comments and 100 reads W H A T! thank you all so much!- anon.

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