[16]- detective laura...and her special sidekick will

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Laura POV
i have to find out what y/n is hiding. I hate to admit this but, I think I'm gonna need some help
"YOU m'lady have come to the right man" will boasted in a terrible British accent.
"please don't make a big deal out of this. I just need to know what's going on with y/n. she never lies to me" i pleaded in a sympathetic voice hoping he would get the hint.
"oh please, when do I ever make a big deal out of anything".
—————————— 1 hour later ——————————
"hey Laura it's will" he said enthusiastically
"yes will I know it's you I have your caller ID in my phone" I explained.
"then why'd you say hello like that" he asked playing dumb to annoy me.
"because you just do- look what do you want?"I asked annoyed. he achieved what he wanted to now so he'll tell me what he called me for.
"so I bought the walkie talkies and black clothes, by the way I assume you're a size medium but I got large just in case because you'd rather it be too big than too sm-" I cut him off
"will. why did you buy all of this?"I asked pretty sure I already knew the answer to the question.
"because we're detectives together! this is our detective gear!"he explained sounding genuinely excited.
I hung up. 
—————————- 2 hours later———————————
both y/n and mike have arrived. they're hanging out in his dressing room as usual. time for me and will to initiate our plan.
"ok remember the plan?"I asked
"yes laura. go to Michael Park's dressing room, look out his doorway into mikes mirror and spy on them"he recited.
"good and here" I hand him a walkie talkie "use this to report back to me what you see as it happens"
"HA. so this wasn't a stupid purchase"he bragged.
"I guess. just go"I laughed and shoved him out the door.

Will POV
I got to the spot Laura told me to go to. she was right. this is the perfect angle to see into his dressing room. noted. 
"and then she said that they fucked in the foam pit"y/n laughed and mike laughed with her.
"oh my- I can't believe she said that. there's no way that's true"mike replied.
"SEE?" y/n continued to laugh. suddenly Laura came over the speaker of the walkie talkie.
"what do you see William?" she asked.
"she's just telling him a story right now, over" I responded.
"you're not going to make me do the 'over' thing, are you?" laura asked with pain in her voice.
"uhhh no" I decided to let her off the hook this time and just get this over with. I put my attention back on y/n and mike.
"last night was really fun you know" y/n admitted.
"yeah you looked amazing in that dress. I've never seen it on you before though. when did you get it?"mike asked. oh. my. god.
"oh that's probably because it's Laura's" y/n laughed and laid her head on mikes shoulder. he smiled. OH MY GOD
"oh my god" I whispered not realizing yet that I was speaking aloud.
"what?! what do you see?"
"Laura....you are not going to like this"

authors note: I HAVE A CLIFFHANGER PROBLEM I KNOW! thanks for reading though lmao. thanks for OVER 200 reads!! that's so crazy thank you all so much- anon.

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