YOONGI (BTS - Suga) Enough

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"Alright, alright, just please let me rest already?"

"Yes... Good night, Yoongi, I love you," you spoke out but then he hung up right before you could finish it.

You cannot help the tear that escaped from your eye. You quickly wiped it away and sniffed.

You had been with Yoongi for a year already. At first, he was your online friend. Then after meeting him in real life after you moved to Korea, you two became a couple.

But then these past few months he got busier with his job and he started to get cold on you.

And now it was getting worst. He did not even bother greeting you a 'Happy Birthday' even right after you told him it is your birthday today.

You kept on hoping that one day, things will turn out the way they were before.


"Yoongi?" you called out as you stepped in his home.

But you heard voices, upstairs. So you headed up and discovered the voices coming from the bedroom.

You opened the door and you saw your boyfriend, laughing with another girl. It was like they did not even notice you enter.

You frowned and called out, "Yoongi?"

The two stopped conversing and Yoongi blinked at you.

"Y/N... What are you doing here?" you asked.

"Who is she?" you answered with a question instead.

"She's a friend. Her name's Jihwa," he answered.

"Oh... Nice to meet you, Jihwa. I am Y/N." you turned to the girl. She just smiled at you.

Then you turned to Yoongi. "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me today?" you asked.

He sighed and walked up to you. "Look, Y/N... I am very busy with Jihwa right now. I collabed on her with my new project," he says.

"Well... At least talk about it somewhere else. I thought you never let anyone in your room? You don't even let me here that much also---"

"Y/N," he cuts you off, glaring at you a bit. "Just leave, alright? Now."

You just nodded and headed out of his room. "It's getting worse," you thought.


The project with Jihwa was already finished but another came along. His time with you became more shorter and so was his patience.

Gone was the sweet and caring Yoongi. Gone was his gentle side.

He always shouted at you this past few days and pushed you away when has something to do with Jihwa.

He has more time on her now than you.

The more you try to bring back everything like they were before, things just gotten worse.

So you decided to finally talk to him about this.

Just about you knocked on his door, it flew open revealing him.

When he saw you, you saw how he frowned evidently.

"Oh, Y/N..."

"Yoongi, can I have a few of your time?" you asked, hopeful.

"Y/N, I am off to see Jihwa. We're busy on something," he sighed.

That made you burst. "Jihwa, Jihwa, Jihwa... It's always Jihwa!!" you shouted.

"Are you jealous??" he scoffed.

"Yoongi, who wouldn't be?? You have more time for her than your own girlfriend!" you cried. "Don't you know wmhow much I missed you? Don't you miss me?? Because I really do that is why I keep on bothering you and you just keep on pushing me away! What happened, Yoongi? You've changed so much!"

He just stared at you before walking away. You did not bother to stop the tears that started falling from your eyes.

You scoffed in disbelief. Then turned to him and yelled, "That's it?! You're just going to walk away to that friend of yours??"

"At least she's helpful," he stated which made your heart sink. "Unlike you who kept on blabbering and disturbing me at my work. You are useless---"

You walked up to him and sent a hard slap on his face. "I don't know you anymore, Yoongi," you cried. "It's enough... This is enough. I am tired of trying to make this relationship work..."

Without saying anything else, you took off the ring he gave you and placed it on your hand. "Here's the sign of all the promises you gave me. Probably give it to someone else now."

You walked away and cried. You thought he would run after you and apologize.

You thought he would run after you and try to make things work again.

To get you back again.

You turned and saw him walk the opposite way. You felt your heart break at that sight.

"Goodbye, Yoongi..." you whispered painfully.


Aish, Yoongi... Why would you waste it all just like that?

It's just a story guys hehe..

Love lots ❤


BTS and EXO One-shots/ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang