JUNGKOOK (BTS - Jungkook) Morning Cuddle

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Another Jungkook one! This one is also dedicated to my beloved jagiya (as I call her) SAPHIRE_BLUE_1217 I love you beshy!


It was six in the morning and the sun had just risen. Jungkook woke up early this time because he had a good sleep last night thanks to his beloved wife. So, he woke before his alarm. Afraid to wake the sleeping girl beside him, he carefully reached for his phone and turned the alarm off as he still wanted to watch the sleeping beauty.

He kept a hand on her waist while their faces were inches apart, enough to give him a good view of the beauty his wife possessed.

Each were warm underneath the sheets since their bodies are wrapped around each other. Jungkook was wearing only his shorts while the girl is wearing his thin oversized shirt with her own shorts underneath.

As Jungkook continued to watch her sleep, he just feels how lucky he is to have her. He held her closer against him, burying his face in the crook of her neck, hoping to stay like this forever.

But that cannot happen, since he needs to get up for work. "There is still the tomorrow," he thinks.

So, he slowly got his hand off her and gently took hers off him. Only to have her hugging him tighter, her face on his chest.

"Don't go yet..." the girl mumbled against his toned torso. She inhaled his unique yet good scent and savored it before he leaves.

"Sapphire Jade? You already awake?" Jungkook calls out.

Sapphire pulls away from him a with a brow raised, eyes completely open. "No... I must have been sleep talking," she joked which made both of them chuckle. "Good morning, Kookie."

"Good morning, Jade," Jungkook replies. Only he can call her by her second name. She forbids anyone else, mainly those who aren't close with her. "I have to go get ready for work now," Jungkook tells her softly.

Sapphire pouts visibly towards him, making it obvious that she still does not want him to go. But then she utters an, "Alright."

Jungkook smiles and kisses her softly on the cheek. Both of them got up and Sapphire fixed their bed as Jungkook roamed around to get his things ready.

The latter turned to watch his wife continue making the bed. He cannot help but smile at the wonderful view.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are in my clothes?" Jungkook asks.

Sapphire turns to him with a smirk. "You tell me that every time," she responds, walking up to him and wrapping her hands behind his neck. "Have I ever told you how handsome you are?"

"You tell me that every time," Jungkook answers, putting his hands on her waist, repeating what she said which made them laugh softly.

"I really want you to stay for a few more minutes in bed," Sapphire states with a pout. "But you do have to go to work."

Jungkook smiled and kissed the crown of her head. "I wouldn't mind now to miss a few minutes or even an hour at work. But then I would ruin the work you have made," he motions the neatly fixed bed.

"I wouldn't mind fixing it again," Sapphire replies with a small wink.

"Alright then," Jungkook says, scooping the girl in his arms causing her to slightly yelp as her feet got lifted off the ground. "Let's cuddle more then."

"Really?" Sapphire beams as her husband carried her in a bridal style as they headed to bed.

Jungkook leans in to peck her lips softly. "Really."


Hey SAPHIRE_BLUE_1217! This one is for you. Hope you like it jagiiiii ❤ Love you so, so, so, so much!


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