{9}: Letting The Truth Sink In.

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I stared around as I reached my house, I slowly walked in and headed straight up the stairs to my bedroom, I glanced around before dropping my bag at the end of my bed and collapsing onto the swivel chair at my desk. I closed my eyes before letting out a small breath as I noticed the Halloween dance ticket sitting on my desk beside my laptop and a framed picture of Jimin and I kissing, I stared down at the picture before seeing one slightly behind it; this one held a picture of Jimin and me when we were kids, back in Korea, we were at the beach and were laughing together. As I stared at the two pictures a few tears trickled down my cheek before anger took hold of me, I grabbed the frame that held the picture of us kissing before throwing it as hard as I could against the nearest wall, I heard it smash loudly as I rested my elbows on to the table and placed my head in my hands as I let the tears fall once again.

Why me? Why Jimin? Why just why? Why'd it have to happen this way? I thought his words were truthful but I was being played all along. Probably being laughed at by him and Namjoon. Why couldn't he have been honest? Or even chosen someone else? Why did he accept the dare? Why lie? Why do this to me? Just... Just why?!

I screamed into my hands before pulling my hair, I was glad I was currently home alone. Thoughts soon began running through my head, memories; The popcorn fight that night, my head on his chest, our first kiss, MY first kiss, him holding me in his arms, our first "I love you"s, that time he got jealous because of Jordan... Just everything we did together. How could he do this to me?

I finally lifted my head to see my reflection in the mirror, I quickly wiped away my smudged mascara before heading towards the bathroom to freshen up, I washed my face quickly before reapplying my make-up and getting changed. I pulled on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a tank top before grabbing my phone and earphones, I glanced back at the broken frame one last time before leaving my room and heading out; locking the door behind me. I then placed my earphones in before beginning to jog, I needed to get Park Jimin out of my head.

I jogged into the nearest park and sat down on one of the swings before taking a gulp of my water, "How funny was it?" Someone asked from behind me. "What?" I asked before glancing back. It was Chloe, I rolled my eyes, "That argument with Jimin in the corridor today, I can't believe he was faking it all along." She laughed. "Well, actually, I can... I mean, look at you. Of course he wouldn't be serious about you." She added. I slowly pushed myself off the swing, "Aw, going so soon, we were just starting to have some fun." She smirked. "Take your fun elsewhere." I spat. "Aw, come on Becky. You still mad that Jimin was dared to date you?" She asked in amusement. I clenched my fists as she spoke, "Ya know Chloe, do you know why you've never had a proper boyfriend?" I asked. She paused and looked slightly confused, "It's because you're the school bike, everyone's had a ride of you... And much like a bike, nobody wants a girlfriend who everyone has already ridden." I spat at her. "Least none of mine have been fake." She spat back, her anger building. "Least mine lasted more than one night." I retorted. "Whatever, you're nothing to Jimin, you never were. I can't believe you thought someone like him could actually love someone like you." She laughed. This caused me to let my anger take over as I punched her, she fell to the floor and I leant down; continuing to punch her over and over as I let all my anger out.

I was soon pulled back, "Becky, what the hell?!" Someone shouted. I glanced back to see Jungkook, Yoongi and Jin, Jungkook was the one who pulled me back. I blinked back my tears before glancing down at Chloe, "You're a fucking crazy bitch, no wonder Jimin faked it all!" She spat. "You want another fucking go?!" I spat as Jungkook grabbed me and pulled me away. "No, she doesn't." He told me as he sat me on a bench before sitting beside me. "Do you want me to call Demi or Anoesjka?" He asked as I finally let my tears fall. "No." I shook my head as Jin sat on the other side of me. He wrapped his arms around me and I cried onto his shoulder, he rested his head on top of mine. "Want us to take you home?" Yoongi asked. "Please." I sighed and nodded. Jin pulled me to my feet and the three boys began walking me home, we soon arrived at my house and I quickly turned back to the boys, "Could you maybe keep this to yourselves? Don't tell the girls, please?" I asked. Jin nodded immediately, "I'll probably regret it but okay." Jungkook nodded. "I probably won't remember anyways but I promise." Yoongi said. I nodded, "Thanks, guys." I smiled. "No worries." Jungkook nodded. "Yeah, you're a friend of Anoesjka's and Demi's so you're a friend of ours." Yoongi put in. "And you're my friend regardless." Jin smiled. I nodded with a smile, "I best head in and get cleaned up, thanks again, guys." I said. They nodded before walking away, "See you later, Jung." Jin called. I smiled, "Surname basis?" I asked with a slight laugh. He laughed slightly as he glanced back before winking and following the other guys down the street, I shook my head and closed my front door before running up the stairs.

I ran into my bedroom and immediately changed my clothes, I threw my slightly bloodstained ones into my laundry basket and pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top to chill in, I then began clearing up the broken frame pieces before vacuuming up the shards I'd missed. I then sat on my bed and let everything that had happened today sink in, I wiped my face with a makeup wipe and laid back across the bed, I hugged my pillow and closed my eyes; ignoring my bruised knuckles.

A/N ~ Hey guys! I know this chapter is slightly short. I apologise for that, I lost inspiration about half way through 😭 Vote and comment your thoughts though guys!

Much love, JiminsPrincesca 💖

The Dare ~ A Park Jimin FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang