The Friend Zone

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We've all been out in the friend zone at least once and we all know that it sucks!! And I for one am in that zone right now. And let me tell you that I am working my way out of that damn hole like its nobody's business! So here are some tips on how to get the hell out ;)

- act like nothing's changed! Even after he has put you in that zone still flirt with him and do what you did before the zone

-help him now on for what ever is holding him back... Like an slutty ex girl friend (those are the worst!) show him that you aren't like her and that you won't do what she did, and hurt him!

-never give up! Even if it seems like you aren't getting anywhere you will! And it's better to start off as friends anyways!! If you have that friendship to build off of then you have a better chance of making it work and even if the relationship ends y'all can still be friends (depending on how it ended)

-take the time to get to know him! Being in the friend zone is also a plus because you learn more about this person when you are "friends"

-let him know that you like him! Tell him he's cute! Tell him that he looks nice! Like I said FLIRT!

-and lastly do whatever you thin is best! If you think it's better to stay friends then don't push anything! Don't force something you know isn't going to work and then end up stuck in an unhappy relationship with

someone who doesn't spark your interest!


I just want to say thaaaank you for all the votes and reads!! I love love love you all!!!

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