Putting them on the Ledge

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* What is the ledge you ask? Well the ledge is invisible... picture a huge building ( and youre stanging on the roof)

    Now imagine this building over a huge highway with lots of fast cars going by under you.

    So fast that you cant go across without becoming a pancake :/ Ekk that would hurt.!

    Now.... picture a diving board at the end of this building. Atleast 40 floors high!.


●How to explain it...

    Like if a guy blows you off (ignores you and doesn't like you and stuff) you make him feel the same way. You lead him on and when he falls for you leave him dangling on the diving board scared shitless! I will tell ypu how to do this later. So when he tries to get with you ignore him!

~Now if you have a day when you are all bummed out.! WHAT EVER YOU DO! DONT JUMP OFF THE LEDGE! Us girls dont belong on the edge.!

-Some tips-

   1.) If a guy tries to put you on the ledge Retreat (back down) dont let him think you like him! Keep your back bones bitches!

   2.) Never let a guy get to you. Stay calm and collected aka be tough! It will confuse the shit out of him!

●Winning boys is all about ATTITUDE!

   If you convey the right attitude they will swoon you girls! That I dont give a shit about you will only make them work harder! And you better look damn fine while doing it:)

▶What does wooing mean?

    It means making a guy relize how totally awesome unbelievably awesome you are and they will die if they dont make you their GF in the next 30 secoooonds!.

→The Kiss and Runn..?

    Now this may sound weird... but hey it works! Its the best way to get a guy on the ledge. Now... you dont really kiss him I know... what! No kiss? Well no, you almost kiss him. When he goes into what he thinks is getting to first base with you (which  is really just our little trap) you pull away leaving him dazed and confused because he actually thought yall were going somewhere. Before you leave him turn around and give him the most flirty smill you have and a cute seductive wink and get your butt out of there! It will drive him crazy!

-Kissing tips-

    1.) The next time you see him dont walk up to him.! Let him come to you

    2.) He will probably think that somethings wrong and be a bit more clingy. Play cool, dont panic. Just smile and flirt.

    3.) If he trys to kiss you agian go for it... or give him the cheek! Play hard to get!


    Now the first kiss is always a bit scart but dont panic! By now you have him on the ledge...!


    But I am going to something really embarrassing! Add I dont want you to judge me haha.! Okayy so I have to start from the beginning I was talking to this guy and my friend had took my phone and was texting him bit I didnt know what they were talking about.! He had walked me to my 4th period class and I was about to go when he grabbed be and hugged me I pulled back and he said "This is what she was talking about" he then leaned into kiss me but I turned my head and he was all confused.! He asked if I was going to kiss him and all I did was nod my head! So when he kissed me I turned aroumd and ran!! It was soooo embarrassing! I rejected him first then I ran!


    4.) When he kisses you that first time you cut him off. Dont let it linger.! Dont let him off that ledge girls!

       Flatten that boy!

▶The Call

     If a guy asked you out on a date for friday but doesnt call you until Thursday say you already have plans! You dont want to seem desperate!

◀But First the Number

    When a guy asks for your number right it on his hand! MAKE THE CONTACT!

↑↑↑Now it gets CoNfUsInG↓↓↓

    If you really like a guy and you KNOW! He likes you back... Do not put him on the ledge. The ledge is a dangerous place!

■Need some help?

    The ledge is a place for all those guys out there except the ones that see you for who you are... not the ones who respect you. So be careful who you put out there!

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