Notice What He Does

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Notice what he does for you.

- Does he go out of his way to be a good friend? If so, he may be doing something more. Here are some signs that he may be developing that lovin' feeling every time he looks your way:

-If he's always doing you favors. If you find him doing things like giving you rides, making you lunch when you're having a busy day at work, picking up your laundry, or helping you fix your car, he may be angling for the boyfriend role.

-If he's constantly being thoughtful. If he brings back your favorite dessert from a bakery, or buys you that book you've been meaning to read, this is a sign that he's really paying attention to your needs.

-If he comforts you when you're upset. Let's face it--no guy wants to comfort a random crying girl. However, if he really cares for you, he'll be there to listen to your problems, and probably wants to take the relationship further.

Notice how he acts around other girls.

-Seeing what he does around other girls can tell you how he really feels about you. Here are some ways to get a better sense of his true feelings:

-Does he treat every girl the same way he treats you? If you notice that you're the only one he wants to be around in big groups, and the only girl he teases and likes to pick up when you're hanging out in the pool, this is a sign that he wants to be with you.

--However, if you notice him teasing and touching every girl in a five-mile radius, he may just be a flirt.--

-Does he flaunt his relationships in front of you? If he openly has you hanging out with him and his new date, then he may really see you as just a friend.

--However, if he has you there to see what you really think, this may be a sign that he knows you're the one for him. If he's cagey about hanging with other girls, then this may be a sign that he already sees you as a girlfriend and feels he's being disloyal.--

See if he goes out of his way to be with you.

- This is a sure-fire sign that he wants to take things to the next level. Here are some ways to know how he really feels:

-If he's constantly asking you to hang out. This one is a no-brainer.

-If he tries to sidle up to you when you're in groups. If he wants to be your partner in class, or if he wants to be your partner during a chicken fight, chances are, he can't get enough of you.

-If he's always claiming he's "in the area" and asks if he can stop by. If he's making excuses for why he wants to hang out, this may be a sign that he's embarrassed about how much he wants to be with you.

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