Easy Fitness!!

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1.) Little by little. Make small, but important changes on how active you are, such as: instead of taking the car, you could walk to where you need to go, or, cutting down on the amount of time you spend watching the television, computer, etc.

2.) Get strong! You should strengthen your entire body - this means your arms, legs and core.

      -To strengthen your core you should do sit ups and other workouts such as planks and crunches. These will strengthen, tone and define the muscles in your stomach, giving you a leaner shape.

     -To strengthen your legs you should do squats and other workouts such as vertical jumps and wallsits. These will strengthen and define the muscles in your calves and thighs, meaning your legs look nicer and stronger.

      -To strengthen your arms you should do pull ups and other workouts such as chin ups, push ups and lifting something moderately heavy such as a tin of beans. Make sure to remain consistent in your exercise routine, keeping track of your previous amount of that exercise you could do and how much you have improved since then. Start small, maybe only a couple of each until you get stronger and more physically able to do them.

3.) Eat Healthily. You should try and eat five portions of fruit and/or vegetables a day. Try and eat a balanced diet, for example getting a part of each food group into every meal and not snacking on unhealthy things such as chocolate.

4.) Drink Enough Water. It is so important and vital that you drink enough water. Water helps us function, makes our skin clear and flushes out any unwanted toxins - so make sure you drink more of it. Aim for about 1.5 - 2 litres of water a day. You will feel so much better for it, promise!

5.)Join a new sport. Are you just aching to join that gymnastics class or desperate to learn ballet? Go for it! It will contribute to your daily exercise recommendations and you will notice a difference. However, make sure you enjoy the sport you're going for, otherwise you won't want to stick at it.

And if you don't feel comfortable  going into sports that have complete strangers then do the sport with some family members in your back yard if you have a Apartment try to do it some where with a lot of space

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