All My Single Ladies

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Is being single okay? The answer is simple. HELL YEAH IT'S OKAY. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being single. And there is nothing wrong with being in a relationship either. Some girls just prefer to be single, like me. I love being single!  Honestly I've never been in a real relationship, I mean who needs one? I am still young and I have a whole life ahead of me for that kind of thing! Why have a guy there just to hold me back? Now I know some of you may disagree with that, but that is just my opinion. I personally think that having a boyfriend would just keep me from going the things I enjoy. I guess that's just me lol a free spirit of sorts. 

Now other girls may be single for other reasons, maybe a broken heart or commitment issues. Some girls may just not enjoy being tied down. And those are all valid reasons for being single. But do you honestly even need a reason to be single? I hate when people ask "Why are you single".... Because bitch, I wanna be.  Or maybe you just like food to much, like me. Its just so good who could resist such a magical creation. I mean food is like a boy... but not. So if you have food, why do you need a guy (or a girl, if you roll that way). Exactly, you don't. So lets stick to food and the other things that you do when you're not eating. 

Food is good.

Food is life.

Food is all that I need at night.

I love Food, yes I do.

And that's my poem for you.

But in all seriousness (is that a word?) its 100% OKAY to be single. Its okay to not want to be in a relationship. Its okay to want to do your own thing. We are all independent bitches (words spoken by my mother) We don't need men!! BEING SINGLE ROCKS!!!

So I am totally have writers block right now, so this is all I'm going to give y'all today. If you would like more on this subject just comment and i will try my best!!!


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