{8}: "It Was All Just A Dare..."

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I walked in and began heading down the right aisles for the milk and cheese, I was looking at the cheese when someone walked by behind me, "Look Namjoon, I told you she wouldn't find out that me dating her started with a dare and I promised she'd never find out it came from you and she won't, even I can't have her finding out about this... So I still get the thousand at the end of this week?" The person asked. I recognised that voice, that was when it hit me, it was Jimin. I slowly turned my head to watch him walk away as he held his phone to his ear, "A dare?" I whispered to myself. I then took his words in, I bit my lip to hold back the tears as I grabbed the cheese and milk and headed towards the tills, "That'll be $3.45 please." The cashier smiled. I handed her the money before grabbing my bag and sprinting out of the shop, I sprinted back down the street and all the way home where I dumped the bag on the kitchen counter before running upstairs and into my bedroom where I finally let the tears fall.

I punched my wall, screamed into my pillow, yanked at my hair and called myself an idiot multiple times before curling up in the centre of my bed and just crying. I cried until I had no tears left, then all I did was stare blankly at the wall. I grabbed my phone and changed my wallpaper and lockscreen back to pictures of me and the girls before seeing a text from Jimin come through:

From Jimin 💖:
Hey baby! Can't wait to hang out with you again later, I miss you. Xx

I stared at the message before throwing my phone across the room, "Leave me alone!" I growled before tucking my knees back under my arms. I wanted to scream and cry but all I could do was stare for another two hours.

Someone soon knocked on my door, "Becky hunny? Are you okay in there?" My mom called through. "I'm fine mom." I replied dryly. "The girls are here." She called back. "Shit." I cursed myself before standing up and picking my phone up. I then ran into the bathroom to clean myself up before reapplying my makeup, I quickly checked my reflection in the mirror and smiled, they'd never know I'd been crying. I left my bathroom and walked back into my bedroom, "Coming." I called out as I headed over and unlocked the door. "Took you long enough, what were you doing?" Demi asked. "I... Uhh... I was washing my hair." I shrugged. She nodded before glancing up and down at my outfit, "We're about to hang out with the boys. You coming?" Anoesjka asked. "I.. Er... I can't today. I just started my period and I've got major bad cramps." I lied. "Oh hunny, I'm so sorry. We can stay here with you if you want." Anoesjka said. "No no, don't worry about me. You guys go on, have fun. Text me to tell me all about it tonight." I told them. "You sure?" She asked. "Yes, go. Spend time with your boyfriends." I smiled. "Okay, we're gonna be messaging to check in on you though." Demi said. "Thanks." I replied as I watched them leave. I then collapsed back onto my bed, closing my eyes and thinking about all the good times me and Jimin had. I grabbed my phone and tried calling my brother, "Come onnnn! Pick up! Pick up!" I whispered. He didn't answer, "FUCK!" I yelled as I threw my phone onto my bedside counter before dropping back onto it. I slowly walked downstairs, "You didn't go out?" My father asked. "No." I replied dryly. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked. "I'm leaving Jimin." I told him. "What?" He questioned. "Why?" My mother asked. "Because it was all fake." I whispered as my voice broke. "What do you mean?" My mother asked in confusion. I tried to bite back the tears but they fell regardless, "He didn't mean anything he said. He dated me for a dare. I was nothing but a joke to him." I told her. My tears falling faster and faster as I spoke, "Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry." She said as she wrapped her arms around me. "I just don't understand what I did to deserve it." I whispered through the tears. "Why me?" I asked. My father stared over at me before joining the hug, both parents were wrapping me in their arms. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry." My father sighed as I cried into his chest. "That Jimin is a cruel boy. Karma will get him." My mother told me. "Hey, how about you help me and your mom in the kitchen tonight, yeah?" My father suggested. I slowly nodded, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." I whispered. They both nodded before leading me into the kitchen where we began to make a pizza from scratch.

The Dare ~ A Park Jimin FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat